Question canacolization

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Hello, we seem to be getting dinged by Google for not having canacolization set up. We need our forum pages to point to our CMS articles. Can you advise how to enable this?
Sorry, I don't know what you mean by "forum pages to point to CMS articles". Could you clarify, please?
Sometimes, you have a few versions of the same page but under diffrent names. For example, your home page could be:

Example Domain
Example Domain
Example Domain

All these versions of your website are seen by search engines as different pages hens meaning duplicate content. By using a canonical tag, you are telling the search engine that no matter which version of your home page he falls on, the one in the canonical tag is the right one.

Here is code for a canonical tag:

<link rel="�canonical"� href=""� />

It's not possible to have forum threads show CMS articles as their canonical URLs. All pages have canonical URLs applied to them automatically by DBSEO, but only for the correct content type.
Either remove threads that have been promoted to articles (I believe, when clicking Promote, there's an option to either copy or move), or put the articles in a forum inaccessible to guests.
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