Question APTL (Pro) not sending email notifications

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I've installed APTL (Pro) v3.3.2 and while emil notification are working fine with the default vB theme/style, they are not working with the 3rd party theme/style I have installed: Orange Peel Skin (Orange Peel Skin details).

Can you guys give me a clue on where I need to look to find the problem. As I mentioned, email notifications are working great with the default vB skin, just not the one I have installed.
Email notifications are not dependant on the skin, so I'm not rightly sure why it would not send notifications on another skin. Are you sure it's not the mod itself that doesn't work on the other skin, e.g. people's button clicks are not registering due to an incompatibility?
The mod is working. The buttons are visible in the Post Foot area, and clicks are being registered (and recorded in the database) as evidenced by the tallies being displayed on the posts and the stats visible with thanks.php no matter what skin is being used. If the default vB skins is used, then email notifications happen as they should. They just don't when using the version of the Orange Peel skin that we have installed.

The only other issue is that the links to thanks.php are not showing up in the Community or Quick Links tabs despite the mod being configured to show them there. They are present in those menus when using the default vB skin.

Can you tell me where the code for the email notifications is present? I'm fine digging around in code, just would like to know where to start.
The email sending code is called in /dbtech/thanks/actions/ajax.php around line 34 and /dbtech/thanks/includes/class_core.php around line 1652.

It's the call to the /contenttypes/ files that executes the email, you can inspect the files in those directories to find out exactly where the calls to vbmail is :)
Thanks for that. It allowed me to look into the matter further, which lead me to the discover that my initial report was completely wrong and you were, of course, right -- the skin has nothing to do with the email being sent r not sent. :)

I was testing with different users, one an admin and one that is not. When as admin likes a post, an email notification is sent, but when a regular user likes a post, not email is sent.

What conditions need to be met for

$vbulletin->userinfo['permissions']['genericpermissions'] & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_genericpermissions['canemailmember']

to evaluate as TRUE? As that being FALSE appears to be what is keeping the email from non-admin users from being sent.

I'm sure I'm missing a setting somewhere in the myriad vBulletin options.
Nevermind. I figured it out. Apparently at some point a previous admin had set each user group permissions to disallow that group to send email through vB and, of course, that's what was preventing APTL from sending email.

Thank you for bearing with me as I figured this out.

Great mod. I love it. Thanks, again.
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