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Hi Ozzy47, any updates if we are able to integrate this for vBadvanced?
Right now this is the only thing holding me back from upgrading at this point.
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No sir, with the excessive heat and power outages I have had I have not had a chance to look into it yet. :(
Ah I see :(. Hopefully we will see it coming out soon because I cannot stand 2 years old outdated plugin (awcoding)
IcEWoLF I got a generic one working on your test site, it don't show donators but it is a working module, see what ya think. It is a sliding nav menu like the Site Navigation one to.

icewolf vbadv.png
Hi there, design wise speaking it looks good, but as far as a module for me for my live site it may not be a good idea, most of my users look at what the goal % is on the front page and also the donors that donated and amount.
Yeah I looked at their vBAdv block and could not see how they did it, as alot of the code runs from somewhere else. I saw the progress bar info on the other posts as well.
Do you still have the files that I've sent you a while back? or did I?
I am not sure if you could check through the files and see if it will answer any of the questions.
Yeah I have the pro version of AWC mod, but their coding is completely different from stuff that I have seen, I will continue to work on it.
A simple yet to the point block is now available in the download package in the EXTRAS folder, in v1.2.0
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