Question Acp credit display

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Depends where exactly in the AdminCP you're referring to, but if you mean the edit user screen, then yes.

Currencies are stored with 8 decimals in the database, since a hard-coded amount of decimals will allow me to use data types that do not suffer from floating point rounding errors.
Depends where exactly in the AdminCP you're referring to, but if you mean the edit user screen, then yes.

Currencies are stored with 8 decimals in the database, since a hard-coded amount of decimals will allow me to use data types that do not suffer from floating point rounding errors.
Yes, I mean the edit user. Thanks for confirming its OK, I didn't remember it being like that.
Yeah it was a recent change, after someone reported a bug in bank withdrawals using decimals. It made me look into this more and discover the floating point issue. Doing it this way is the lesser of two evils :)
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- DragonByte Technologies, Ltd.
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DragonByte Shop

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