
  1. O

    Question Not the same

    Hello, I have purchased the life time license + branding free for the Live Feed module. But, after installation, what we now see on our website doesn't appear to be the same as what is visible on the DBtech website. Please see the attached photo 'untitled' of comments in live feed on the...
  2. IcEWoLF

    Legacy vBSEO Like system

    I'd like to see an option to integrate the like system from vbseo with this mod. For example whenever someone hits "like" to announce it on the wall. It would be really nice.
  3. GoodApples

    Legacy User Wall set as default tab

    I really would like the Visitor Messages and User Wall be as one and some how fitting in the status updates to bring everything together. It's seems disconnected with this and that...here and there... That may have been a little rant. :p Okay here is the request: Option to have User Wall set as...
  4. GoodApples

    Legacy Status updates & User Profile

    It would be great to post status updates within the user profile area. muliti line textbox too please.:)
  5. HowardE

    Legacy Separate User Wall Comments from Forum Live Feed Comments

    I like the idea of commenting in the member page (User Wall tab), but don't see the point in having comments on every post available, as that would just be a reply to the thread. However, it seems like you can't have one without the other.
  6. TandyServices

    Bug Branding Free: Forum Live Feed & User Wall

    I have just bought and installed.. I also bought the Branding Free. When I go to put the code in I get: Error:You did not enter a valid value for this setting.
  7. G

    Bug Very slow query

    I've been going through our slow queries today and this one accounts for 20% of them: ______________________________________________________________________ 001 ___ Count : 163 (20.10%) Time : 475 s total, 2.91411 s avg, 2 s to 7 s max (17.18%) 95% of Time : 423 s total...
  8. Sarab

    Legacy Advanced User Tagging with Forum Live Feed & User Wall

    Hello, I like Forum Live Feed & User Wall mod and where it's going =D So I thought it will be great if you integrate Advanced User Tagging to the status so we can make mentions and tags just like twitter too =D Best Regards, Sarab
  9. Sarab

    Advanced User Tagging with Forum Live Feed & User Wall

    Hello, I like Forum Live Feed & User Wall mod and where it's going =D So I thought it will be great if you integrate Advanced User Tagging to the status so we can make mentions and tags just like twitter too =D Best Regards, Sarab
  10. C

    Question activity contest

    I am finally getting around to playing with the new activity contest features. The first question I have is, where on the front end does the contest show up? I see there is a spot for a banner, etc. I assume there must be a page where users can learn about the contest, see the stats, etc.?
  11. LissaE

    Bug Comments Collapse/Expand Image in Posts

    Not sure if maybe I have done something wrong lol but the expand and collpapse image isn't changing in my posts, it works to expand and collpase the comments just the image doesn't change between the expanded and collpased images. Tested in 4 browsers and doing the same thing :( Digiscrap Forum...
  12. Glen Green

    Forum Reviews

    Whats peoples views on having a sub forum where we can post links to our sites with Dragonbyte-Tech mods on so we can discuss and rate etc ?
  13. Force

    Bug missing table

    dbtech_livewall_settings' doesn't exist I think it is from this plugin but not sure getting a db error as this table seems to be missing need to know what plugin is it from
  14. H

    Legacy Sidebar integration with Live Feed

    First off, thank you for making this mod available on 3.8 for those of us who are yet to upgrade to vb4. Since there is no sidebar in vb3, is it possible to implement this Live Wall within this sidebar mod? - Sidebar Column - vBulletin.org Forum Thank you
  15. IcEWoLF

    Legacy Disable BB codes from appearing?

    Is it possible to disable BB codes from appearing in Live Wall? I think the codes sometimes make things look a lot more busier.
  16. Alan_SP

    Bug Comments in posts work in strange way???

    What I did: I looked at your post, they now have comments. And, when I click on any post on comments link, I go to same post, or whatever it is. I'll put images to explain it more clearly. Here's a post I'm looking at...
  17. IcEWoLF

    Question Live wall is making my site so slow...

    With Live Wall WebPagetest Test Result - Dulles : www.47r-squad.com - 02/22/12 05:40:27 WebPagetest Test Result - Dulles : www.47r-squad.com/forum.php - 02/22/12 05:40:35 Without Live Wall WebPagetest Test Result - Dulles : www.47r-squad.com - 02/23/12 04:30:07 WebPagetest Test Result - Dulles...
  18. G

    Legacy User Profile Support

    Are there any plans to implement the "user" wall into the profile page? This would be useful to get more information on about a user in one fail swoop.
  19. GoodApples

    Legacy Status What's on your Mind? Status & Moods

    Live Wall Status: What's on your Mind? & Status & Moods working together and not separate. Let it be interactive. :)
  20. cykelmyggen

    Forum Live Feed & User Wall - for vBCMS?

    Hi Is it possible to run Forum Live Feed & User Wall on vBCMS as widget or is it only for Forum Block?