
  1. W

    Question Postbit question

    I have installed vbactivity on and have only activated the awards in postbit section. However, when looking at a user's post who hasn't won an award there is an empty postbit box showing. How can I get the awards section outside of that box? Look at this thread for example: Welcome...
  2. Toorak Times Newspaper

    Question 2nd Bar disappeared?

    After the current upgrade to 4.1.12 the 2nd/bottom Navbar has disappeared from all my skins. I can't figure out how to fix it. Please help. Cheers Mick
  3. Trekkan

    Bug Disabled signature styles still appear in the dropdowns

    As you'll see from the images, the last two styles are disabled, but they are still showing up in the second screenshot.
  4. T

    Legacy Make Custom Items support PHP code

    Hi, I have a custom-tailored product that involves a shop where users can buy items for the product. However, I find it quite disappointing that the Custom Items only supports the 5 custom fields, which is definitely not enough for my product. I would like to see a new type of item which...
  5. Neo_Angelo

    Legacy Intergration with vBactivity

    I'm going to assume that this is already on the "to-do" list as this would be a fantasic thing to intergrate with Activity and get people earning achievements etc etc for it. heres a few suggestions i thought of for achievements/trophies: Has bought X item Owns X amount of clothes Has Spent X...
  6. xandyx

    Question Is This Possible?

    I know this could be a long shot but... I was asked where the coins (points) go when there is a failed steal or an item is purchased in the default shop. At the moment the coins just go nowhere. It got me to thinking, taking into consideration I have vBArcade & vBCredits, is it possible to...
  7. J

    Legacy How do I remove an item from a user?

    How do I remove an item from a user? And if that's not possible, I think it's something very important that needs to be added. Including removing the items that grant users special privileges.
  8. T

    Bug Items line

    Hello, I would like to know how it is possible to reduce the number of items per line in the shop. Because actually it's 5 items per line and i would like to put only 3 and center them if it's possible. Heres my problem: Is there a way to fix it ? Thanks for your help
  9. angus

    Question Add Text but nothing happens

    What is the trick to add a custom text to the signature? When managing a text region in the ACP the demo image to set coordinates is shown. But after clicking the "Preview Text Region" button nothing happens. (All necessary fields are filled out) Same in the VBSiganture User Interface out of...
  10. Freekoid

    Bug Setting active category to 'No' doesnt work.

    Setting the active category to no ie xmas shop still shows up in the shop and allows purchase, Is this because of admin browsing?
  11. joshuwae

    Bug Database error in vBulletin after upgrade

    Just upgraded to 2.2.2 - getting error when accessing vbshop.php. Tried re-uploading everything and running import again. Database error in vBulletin 4.1.9: Invalid SQL: SELECT userid, username...
  12. Madhatterr

    Legacy Color Picker

    I'd like to request a rearrange of the way the shop is handled visually which would help reduce the overwhelming number of items when creating outfits/hairs etc with many different color options. Each option would still be an individual png in the system but there would be a base model shown to...
  13. GoodApples

    Commerce / Cart / Shop

    I would like to see dbtech release vBeCommerce but I suspect it will not be released to protect the product...:D This is not the greatest poll but let's get the deep discussion on dbtech building a Cart Mod. :cool:
  14. Freekoid

    Legacy Separate folder from shop default images

    Any other member that becomes a shop manager has the ability to use any of the images that vbshop default uses already. Is there a possibility to have a separate folder utilized for anyone other than default?
  15. F

    Legacy Purchease option for attachment...

    Hello, Is it possible to have an item option for attachment or other downloadable links with encrypted url or something so the user can't leak and share the link with other users. Example; create item > upload file as attachment or add url. Sorry for my bad english :p
  16. Neo_Angelo

    Legacy My evaluation/suggestions

    Ok first impressions of this mod was "OMG wow finally they made it!" having played around with it on DB-Tech i have to say i like how it works, however my personal opinion of the layouts and the way things do stuff is hiddeous. the hover over on items is such an eye sore and covers up other...
  17. kitawanita

    VB Avatar

    Hi, Need more information about vb avatar: -Does vb avatar require vb credit deluxe or vb shop to make it working -My avatar stored as file,does vb avatar support file cache or it will store to database ? -Does vbavatar support vb suite 4.1.1 (not 4.1.11) ? -If i buy lifetime license +...
  18. F

    About vbavatar

    I would like to ask about this product since it looks creative but i haven't seen it as lite version so atleast if you guys please could put this product on your own forum to let users test and see how it looks like before to buy :)
  19. stubbed

    vBeCommerce? Is this vBShop?

    I want a simple shop system for selling physical merchandise, paying with PayPal. Not interested in credits or selling addons to the forum (We do that with vB Subscriptions). Can vBShop do that? It seems like much, much more. I see that when I purchase software from here it's vBeCommerce? That...
  20. Freekoid

    Question Unable to switch shops

    I can't switch shops! Ive set it up correctly, I am the manager there is an item in the shop available bit when I hit 'visit shop' nothing happens. firebug shows me this: ftd.on is not a function [Break On This Error] ftd.on('click', 'input[name=shoploader]', function() vbshop.js?v=222...