
  1. R

    Question Items Display Style - In Signature

    Hey guys, Got the shop set up and testing it out. At this time i see the item display postbit only allows me to show it below post count. I would like to move this into the signature section because I plan to use larger icons and they will not fit. I used to use Ishop and have attached a...
  2. R

    Question Use VBcredits in VB shop?

    Hello, I am testing VB credits and VBshop. I both installed no problems but can not figure out how to make the shop use the credits? I assume it is in add new currency in VBshop but do not know what settings to use? Thanks, ryan
  3. F

    Legacy More things I'd like: Make the shop pretty!

    Some things to make the shop more unique and easier on the eyes: Category banner images / descriptions. When you switch tabs, it would be nice to see a banner/description of the selected category in the white space above the tabs. Allow HTML or BBcode in descriptions. Plain text is just...
  4. TandyServices

    Bug No settings on page

    Have no settings in the Activity Amounts Configuration? Is the same as what happened on Arcade.. I have re-installed it twice and still same..
  5. K

    DragonByte Avatars for Xenforo

    Hello, I have been messing around with the lite version of Avatars for xenforo to get a feel for it before purchasing. I'm pretty much convinced that this product suits our needs but we have a few concerns before going through with it. We're ready to buy once we've cleared up these points. 1)...
  6. TandyServices

    Over did my site

    I think I will have to back away from all the mods I have from you guys. As of now my site seems to be slowing way down. I think I sort of over did it with all your mods I got. ARCADE: One of my biggest problem is with the arcade. After I imported the games I started getting errors and the...
  7. Vcize


    Now that you guys are doing xenforo development, any chance we'll see a version of vbShop for Xenforo? There is currently a huge hole in the xenforo mod scene for a good shop. All that's out there are a few half-done and abandoned ones.
  8. T

    Legacy Usergroup change query

    When I add a usergroup change to the shop, if I set it to last for 7 days, will it expire and therefore remove the usergroup from the user after that time? If so will it send the user back to their previous usergroup? I'm trying to replicate paid subscriptions through the VBShop.
  9. A

    Bug Visit Shop not working + postbit points show as 0

    Hi, two issues. 1. I just upgraded to b3 and now clicking "Visit Shop" does nothing. It does not change shops and I cannot see any items. 2. This was an issue before upgrading to b3, and it still is: after using quick reply, users points are shown as 0 in postbit. Regular reply does not make...
  10. S

    Legacy Caching on other DB Tech Products

    I hope on far future version (maybe vbOptimise 3.0.0 ??), most of your popular products will be cached by vb optimise. It may encourage vb optimise buyers to buy your other products.. Just my suggestion.. :RpS_thumbsup: Note: personally, i am interested with vb credits & vb shop.. but other vb...
  11. A

    Legacy Automatically Expand Categories

    It would be nice if categories were automatically expanded after entering the shop/selecting a new shop. If there is only one category, it should be opened automatically. If there are multiple categories, the first one should open automatically. The Results Per Page should also be tied to each...
  12. Trekkan

    New mod or changes to vBA? User Modifications based on Criteria

    Maybe you can do this with an existing DBT mod (and if you can, please let me know!), but I'd like to be able to set criteria like you can in vBA, but what I'd want to do are various things like: Change the users title Increase their PM max Change the display Group Add/Remove Rep Etc...
  13. S

    Bug the items changed to vertical order after using 3.0.0b1 + click problem

    after the update 3.0.0b1 two problems happened: =the items changed to vertical order.. =can't click any button or icon in the shop.. (the problem is only in internet explorer browser >>in deafult style and other styles).. >>that also happened with previous version and we used an old vbshop.js...
  14. mikez006

    Legacy Username change

    Is it possible to make one of the items in the store a one time username change? I have a mod that allows members to change their username X amount of times depending what usergroup their in. I'd like to set it up so they can purchase username changes with the shop.
  15. R

    Bug MySQL Error

    Hello! I've been using this system for over 1 year and everything was good. Until this morning, when I got a database error. I disabled all mods and enabled one by one to see which is causing the issue. Each time when I enable vBCredits II Deluxe, the database error is back, with this message...
  16. W

    vbcredits or vbactivity ?

    Well I am kind of confused between the VbCredits and VbActivity and I would appreciate if you guys can tell which product would suit our board better.Currently we are using vbExperience on our board but the lack of integration of any shop system in it, is kind of forcing us to look at other...
  17. G

    Legacy Quick Question if this is possible 4.2.x related

    I am very intersted in this mod however I don't need alot of the features your offering for user front ends like allowing them to buy forum access, or changing their titles etc I suppose I can disable all these?? Second question is that I really like the item shop and want users to be able to...
  18. IcEWoLF

    So how many DBTech Pro Mods do you currently own?

    So, how many Dbtech pro mods do you currently own? I myself own 7+ and using every single one of them because DBTech is amazing at keeping every single one of their products up to date!
  19. M

    Question Footer Copyright

    Hello. I don't like how the dbtech copyright is displayed at the bottom of my forum. It doesn't look right. Is it possible to put the copyright on the signature shop? Instead of the whole site? Thanks.
  20. J

    Bug Custom User Title resets after a certain amount of time

    Hi Phillip, There is a problem with the 'Change User Title' shop item. My users have purchased it and activated/configured it successfully. However, shortly after, they say that it was reset back to the previous user title they had before purchasing it. Any idea? P.S. If it helps, I've always...