
  1. 1quicksi

    Question Including the NOODP Meta Tag

    When Google ling my site I found that the description was ancient, to the tune of about 10 years! I started to look as to what and why it was being shown and I found this... Prevent the DMOZ Description in Google from Showing Up Google now supports a new meta tag with the “NOODP” content to...
  2. M

    Question Section on the about me tab on every user's profile.

    hi, for Section on the about me tab on every user's profile.: i couldnt find the currently link for purchased or credits balance?
  3. Augustus

    Legacy Feature Request/Question: Configuring an item results in a thread being posted

    Hi there! (I feel like saying, "Hi it's me again, the one with a list of questions, but I won't.) Is it possible to do so currently (or can you make it possible to do in a future update) to trigger the creation of a thread in a specified forum section upon the purchase and configuration of an...
  4. dev101

    Bug Issue where users can view quotes from private sections on other users' profiles.

    Hi, this is regarding DragonByte Tech: Advanced User Tagging (Pro). I have an issue on the forum where there is a help section with the following permissions for registered users: Can View Forum: Yes Can View Thread Content: Yes Can View Others' Threads: No This section is mainly for reported...
  5. I

    Question Removing "All" Global Tab

    Is there any way to remove the default "All" tab? The landing page I'm working with isn't designed to include every section, so being able to delete the default tabs and only working customized ones would be perfect.
  6. T

    Bug Problem with cookies and the new Cookies Consent mod

    Hi We got emails from alot of users. always the same problem since the mod has been enabled. It works fine with forum password, but not working for private hidden section password. I quote here some of their messages: The problem appears with different browsers (Chrome, FF etc.) and...
  7. jind

    Question Unable to save for what the forum is to be Form

    Form in sections settings isn't working Hello friends and Developers. This product I bought one of the first users, No problem, I set it and everything worked until now. Currently, I wanted to add another form and I found that in that section blank. For sure I have done all settings again...
  8. P

    Legacy Arrange Post/Thread order by number of Likes.

    So as the title suggest, I'd like to suggest these ideas to be incorporated into this plugin. 1) The option to order posts depending on the number of likes/dislikes (excluding the original post) in a thread. This can be set as the default for a particular forum section, from the admincp...
  9. M

    Please somebody help

    First of pardon me if i am posting in wrong section ... iF i am wrong please move this thread to correction section .. I am having a forum with vbulletin ver 3.8.7 . Its a Private torrent site . so there are lots of attachments by the members i want to show like this on Top of thread in member...
  10. Z

    Question Stop words in section names

    I converted my site over from vbseo earlier in the week and it's just been pointed out to me that although I imported all the vbseo settings a few of my section names that had "and" or "&" in them now have a url that contains "and" rather than it being excluded as a stop word just like vbseo...
  11. M

    After Sale section

    Hi guys, a tip for your Forum. ;) Maybe will be good to have also an "After Sale" section. ;) Good work. :)
  12. P

    Bug Having issues with attachment images working in Article section and URL links

    I have noticed that a couple of my articles in the articles section (top tab) of site do not show the attached urls, and even the urls are not correct for the article. Not sure if this is the seo ad on or not... help. Thanks.
  13. J

    Question Fixing URL Format with DBSEO

    Section Name: Elsword Online Discussion Previous Section URL before removing vBSEO and the htaccess: After installing DBSEO, current URL: GameKiller - Bringing The Pain To Each And Every Game .htaccess I am using is the default one provided in the...
  14. T

    Question Problem with the word "and" in the forum urls

    Hi I upgraded from 1.0.07 to 1.0.17 the script dbseo the problem I thouth that it will resolve the problem of the word "and" in the forum urls . as the caracter "&" was replaced by "" ( that mean nothing) so it was removed from the url now I see that that : & --> "and" how to remove it please...
  15. Nirjonadda

    Legacy Username Request

    User Tools : Inside the User Control Panel, there is an area that is added where a user is given the ability to submit a username that they would like their name changed to. They receive PM updates depending upon the "status" of their request, whether it is Accepted or Rejected. Administrative...
  16. X

    Question Latest PM's in ACP

    in acp on homepage this section does not appear latest pms Sent eg this screen shot I copied from another thread here on site its not mine c/p as I needed an example I have tried everything, triple checked to ensue option was enabled ...disabled and reenabled ... What am I missing?
  17. P

    Question Documentation broken!

    Hi, I just downloaded and installed the latest version of this paid, pro version. I'm fairly disheartened to see the documentation is broken! The documentation.html that came in the .zip file is all sorts of broken. The installation steps have no details, the steps just have the same thing as...
  18. Em Kay

    Legacy Payment Not Required

    I have in the "Manage Forms" that Payment s required, but members are able to post a listing without marking a Payment
  19. D

    Legacy Image Host Support and a couple other idea's

    1. Is there a way or can you add links to pictures so a person can use an image host (,, etc,etc,etc). I see the spot to upload from a website but it trys to load the picture to my server. Mainly so the picture is not taking up space on the my server. 2. Also is there a...
  20. N

    Legacy AdSense Tags and Remove White-Spaces

    Hello, vBSEO has a Feature for the Adsense Start and End Tags of the Relevant Content. <!-- google_ad_section_start --> HERE IS THE CONTENT <!-- google_ad_section_end --> And also vBSEO has a Feature to remove White-Spaces into the HTML Output. Please add these functions. Thank you!