
  1. Nirjonadda

    Bug Old Link Does Not Work

    My site old link does not working get, Where member posted thread link it does not Redirect new URL . Please can you look into about on this issue. vBulletin Message No Thread specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator Old URL...
  2. J

    Question IIS 7 - need help using web.config versus htaccess

    [IIS 7+] cannot get games to play We use IIS to host our website. We actually installed APE - Helicon Tech - Downloads, which should be processing that htaccess in the root directory. However, we are still not able to play any games. What else should we be looking at? Currently when you...
  3. Nirjonadda

    Bug Auto Replace URL with Titletag

    Auto Replace URL with Titletag not working for External URLs.
  4. Nirjonadda

    Legacy Rewrite forum.php

    How to Rewrite forum.php to index.html or homepage.html ?
  5. C

    Question v3 Arcade game install question

    What exactly is the meaning of the above statement in the import games admin portion?
  6. HaZaRd

    Tracks Mod for Game Racing Community

    I'm admin of Italian Community about Gran Turismo, a game for PlayStation3. I need a Mod for track online events with a control panel for input the data (pilots, position, points hearned, best lap etc...). Basic specifications: 1. Interface for input online event details (date, time, name of...
  7. H

    Question enable administrator

    acp says Sorry, you don't have permission to access the administrative controls on this page. If you need to access this page, ask your lead administrator to enable your permissions for this page. helpp
  8. neounix

    Question Disable DBSEO for a Specific vB Style ID

    Hey! We are having a tough time debugging why one of our mobile styles stopped working after installing DBSEO. It works find on our staging server, but on production, we are getting a 301 from the mobile style to the main style; and have not be successful debugging it. We have even tried...
  9. neounix

    Bug VBSEO Imported:- Now Error : /website/www/index.html (None could be negotiated).

    Hi Again, Decided to testi importing old VBSEO configuration. All was OK after we set the Navbit rewrite function off. However, we noticed that we cannot access the home page, and get this error: [Thu Dec 12 16:37:45 2013] [error] [client <ip addr>] Negotiation: discovered file(s) matching...
  10. O

    Legacy Add support for VBSEO slugs or similar

    In VBSEO I could map a forum id to a custom forum title this gave me the ability to name a forum as "Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)" and then map it to "faq" So I could have the url as instead of
  11. neounix

    Bug Bug in DBSEO Rewrite Rules for Forum Navbar Navbits

    We have installed DBSEO on our backup server and notice a problem (see images attached) where DBSEO breaks the way the Navbar navbits image is displayed. The correct working code is (for example) before DBSEO is: <a href="/showthread.php?t=238407?t=238407"> <img class="inlineimg"...
  12. pcam

    Question Images , .png , Not viewable when rewrite rules active (nginx)

    I followed a post here, , and urls are being optimized, but my images are broken. I am using nginx, vB 4.2.2, and have just purchased db seo. When I revert to my non dbseo nginx vhost for the board, the images are correctly distributed. I had...
  13. S

    Bug Dbseo breaks my Tapatalk installation

    Hi, After migrating from vbseo to dbseo, i've noticed my visitors cannot access the site anymore with Tapatalk. DBSEO enabled: Tapatalk fails VBSEO enabled : Tapatalk works The rewrite rules for my webserver are the same, except when calling vbseo.php i use dbseo.php (when dbseo enabled) and...
  14. bzcomputers

    Legacy Add the ability to include a separate list of urls outside of vb standard urls

    I personally have quite a few add-on pages that will not currently be picked up by the DBSEO Sitemap feature. This includes personally created custom pages and some pages that are created by additional add-ons to vb4. This was something that was handled previously by vbSEO's sitemap...
  15. J

    Bug Sitemap issues

    I've installed beta7 today, and found few issues with sitemaps already: 1. Manual sitemap generation in dbseocp links to dbseocp/dbseo.php?do=buildsitemap instead of index.php?... any idea why? I'm using rewrite settings from the readme file. 2. lastmod for forums is set to 1970 in the xml...
  16. Mental

    Bug showpost.php not working

    Example; going to returns to the homepage, htaccess is set correctly with migrated write rules, cannot pinpoint the problem. Assistance = appreciated.
  17. S

    Question nginx

    Hi, Got my lifetime DBSEO license and am planning for the upgrade, but was wondering if anyone else yet has implemented it on nginx/php-fpm? Apache is way too slow for my site, thus migrated to niginx. Vbseo works on that, can i use the same rules for the dbseo.php? These are my settings for...
  18. U

    Question .htaccess

    I didnt use vbseo and today i just brought these awaresome plugin that i wait for very long i not very familar with how the rewrite rule work so is it possible to attach the .htaccess rewritten rule code here for url rewirte ,i read the readme text but was confused
  19. A

    Question Writing And Data Store Error

    Hi There The product looks fantastic but im not quite there yet with it. I have errors such as the one below? Warning: Missing argument 1 for DBSEO_Datastore::flush(), called in ..../dbtech/dbseo/actions/admin/save.php on line 71 and defined in ..../dbtech/dbseo/includes/class_datastore.php on...
  20. Nirjonadda

    Question Password Security

    How to change Password Security rules text? my site user does not understanding about the word lower-case and upper-case Must be at least 8 characters Must contain lower-case characters Must contain upper-case characters Must contain numbers Must contain symbols