
  1. T

    Legacy Rewrite rule to Vbulletin 5

    Hello Please go to vBulletin 5 and the Urls do not work. You could be so kind helping me. The current Rewrite rule is this and it works partially location / { rewrite [^ /] + / ([0-9] +) - [^ /] + \. html$1 redirect; } Thanks
  2. webi

    Bug No Rewrite vbDownloads after Reinstall

    Hi Fillip, after an uninstall and reinstallation unfortunately the rewrite for the vbDownloads no longer works. Rewrite is enabled for vbDownloads but it remains vbdownloads.php instead of downloads.html. Best Regards
  3. H

    Question SEO Rewrite Syntax

    Hello, i am installing a video gallery. The developer who is working on this wants to add custom rewrite rules. He is having trouble with syntax though. How can he add these to dbseo ? # YTM ReWriteRule ^videos-category/(\d+)/(.*)/(\d+)$ ytm.php?do=cat&cid=$1&t=$2&page=$3 [QSA] ReWriteRule...
  4. P

    Bug Rewrite rules incompatible with Apache 2.4.26 (latest)

    Hello, I'm not looking for support myself but wanted to alert you to the fact that a portion of your .htaccess rewrite rules no longer work with Apache 2.4.26+ due to various changes that cause infinite redirects, namely the below rule. RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI}...
  5. G

    Question Get current rewritten url

    Hello, I'm implementing DBSEO into our forum and need the full rewritten url on each page for use in an other plugin. I tried something like: DBSEO_Url_Create::createFull(DBSEO_Url_Create::createAny()) This works fine for forums, threads and profiles, but unfortunately not for socialgroups and...
  6. W

    Question Rewrite Rules Question

    Hello! It's been a while and I'm finally installing this product. I've got almost everything working fine, but I'm having trouble with a single Custom Rewrite Rule. It's like this: Right now this works: '^showwiki\.php$' => 'wiki/' but I'd also like to extend the links that look like...
  7. N

    Question Moving to XenForo - Rewrite rules to carry over

    Hello all :) Has anyone had any experience using DBSEO on their vBulletin forums but then migrating over to XenForo? We're looking to do this with a relatively middle sized board; and while we are all ok with the data imports, theming etc; we are quite concerned about SEO etc. Has anyone does...
  8. O

    Question URL rewrite cuts link

    Hi, two questions about URL rewrite. DragonByte Seo Lite works correctly but when we write a post with URL link it changes the URL like this: Example: - => it does not apply corrections, correct! Examples: -...
  9. B

    Bug URLs not rewritten on some pages

    Is there any reason why DBSEO doesn't rewrite urls on some pages? Note: These are a custom pages which use to work and now they don't. (It's been working for the past year. This past week it just stopped.) I'm currently using Apache 2.2.15 (CentOS). I'll update this soon. I'm just curious...
  10. G

    Bug group.php as navigation tab not rewritten

    Hi everyone, I'm just trying to replace vbSEO with DBSEO in my dev environment. That's why you can't already see the problem in the live url posted above. My problem is that the link to social groups i added to navigation tabs is not rewritten. Navigation tab settings: Active: Yes Add-on...
  11. B

    Question Function to rewrite URLs

    I need to rewrite thread and member URL for microdata information. (static url not linked) With VBSEO, we could rewrite URLs with vbseo_thread_url_row(). Does DBSEO have something like this?
  12. D

    Question How to remove DBSEO

    Are there step by step instructions regarding how to remove DBSEO Lite. Including rewrite rule changes, .htaccess changes, etc.
  13. F

    Question possible rewrite issue, not certain.

    i'm not 100% sure if this is a rewrite issue with seo or something else but i figured i'd start here. our rosters page FeverClan | Gaming Community - Fever Clan Roster every time you click a users profile with a space in there name (example: miss joker) the url ends up being broken with a...
  14. Fillip H.

    DragonByte SEO v1.3.8 Released

    Hey all, DragonByte SEO v1.3.8 has been released, improving the reliability of the modification by fixing reported bugs. If you like the product you can show your support by nominating it for mod of the month here: DragonByte SEO v1 (vB4) - Forum or here: DragonByte SEO v1 (vB3)...
  15. Ade Adwitya

    Question url rewrite without .html

    i plan to change my url rewrite from (example) : 5 Petenis Paling Seksi Di Dunia : | Ceriwis - Indonesian Community to this: Ceriwis - Indonesian Community as you can see i plan to remove the ".html" at the of url. i could do it easily but the problems are all the indexed page on google are...
  16. Zambfd

    Bug Please rewrite \dbtech\thanks\actions\admin\forum.php

    Hi, please rewrite the following file: \dbtech\thanks\actions\admin\forum.php It's not working. Nothing changes (also in the database) after you hit the save button. Regards.
  17. C

    Bug Thread rewrite wrong getting a 404 eror

    Every once and a while I get this- Trouble with this thread the rewrite of a thread is 100% wrong for not reason.
  18. B

    Question Custom rewrite rule syntax help

    Can you help me with a custom rewrite rule to redirect from forum.php so that the homepage URL will look like this "" instead of this "" I've tried also sorts of settings in custom rewrites in DBSEO and amending rewrite rules in .htaccess without...
  19. William Johnson

    Question Rewrite rule

    What is proper format for including this rewrite rule into general rewrite settings? RewriteRule ^view_(.*).htm$ view.php?pg=$1
  20. 3

    Question rewrite or redirect?

    Hello, you can redirect these urls: Towards these other: ??? Thank you.