
  1. bzcomputers

    Bug Download permission errors on all files ending with a number

    I was previously on 2.2.0pl1 and upgraded to 2.2.0pl2 when you issued a fix for quotations in a download name. Now all of my download threads where the download name ends in a number are giving access errors (admins and guests alike - which should all have access to the download pages). Settings...
  2. M

    Bug Database Error

    Got this error in my logs for the arcade: ##################################### ===================================================== Database error in vBulletin 4.2.2: Invalid SQL: SELECT COUNT(*) AS plays, SUM(timefinish - timestart) AS timespent FROM theforumprefix__dbtech_vbarcade_session...
  3. M

    Bug Database Error

    Hi Mokonzi, I put this as a How Do I, because I was not sure if I have missed something I get the following database error when trying to view ITEM 27 ################################ Database error in vBulletin 4.2.2: Invalid SQL: SELECT o.* FROM...
  4. K

    Bug Filecache never purged

    We just installed Vboptimise yesterday and are using the filecache for guest caching (I'm not sure if storing whole HTML pages in APC is a good idea). The problem is that we have 1500 guests online at one time and the filecache folder has already grown to 3GB. So now, when trying to perform...
  5. M

    Bug Sitemap Building Error

    I'm getting the below error when I try to manually build the sitemap Database error in vBulletin 4.1.12: Invalid SQL: REPLACE INTO hcw_adminutil (title, text) VALUES ('sitemapsession'...
  6. N

    Question How do I set up to buy credits with PayPal?

    I want my users to buy credits that they can use to play raffles. How can I set this up to let them buy credits with PayPal? I tried and am stumped. Please help. Thanks. Nelson
  7. C

    Question IIS Server Web.Config

    Hello, I've just installed dBTech SEO mod for vBulletin. It works great, however I have one huge problem. I am on IIS and the rewriting of URLs is not working quiet well. I'm new to IIS (I prefer Apache with htaccess - but what can I do) and I really don't know how can I fix the issue...
  8. S

    Bug No Automatic Sitemap Generation after upgrade to 1.0.4

    Hi, i post all of it here and i reduce the number of items and test it (5000 and a day later 500) but no chance. Do you have any ideas?
  9. J

    Bug Sitemap problems - script execution timeout

    I've been trying to check why I don't have the sitemap files renewed (after the original ones created by version 1.0.2 I think). There's a script execution timeout in php error log: PHP Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 90 seconds exceeded in...
  10. Replicators

    Bug Database Error!

    After a fresh install of forumon, i am getting... Database error in vBulletin 4.2.2: Invalid SQL: INSERT INTO `dbtech_vbshout_instance` (`name`, `description`, `active`, `autodisplay`, `deployment`, `permissions`, `bbcodepermissions`, `sticky`, `shoutsound`, `invitesound`, `pmsound`...
  11. bzcomputers

    Question A couple forum url rewrite questions...

    I have a company that will appear occasionally and it's name is "A-Rosa". Currently if it's name occurs in a thread title (since I have "a" as a stop word) it will look like this: Example 1 Thread Title: A-Rosa Opens New Office
  12. bzcomputers

    Bug Issue with vbDownloads rewrites...

    The following is in reference to vBDownloads rewrites: 1) I've noticed that some download page url rewrites contain a "-a" while others don't. Why do half of my rewrites contain it and half don't? (I see this by looking at the .xml produced for the downloads) 2) Rewrites are currently not...
  13. Ambro

    Bug Invalid SQL, Vbulletin 4.22 @ VbDonate V1.4.5

    Database error in vBulletin 4.2.2: Invalid SQL: SELECT * FROM dbtech_vbdonate_donations WHERE id =; MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for...
  14. M

    Bug Database Error Viewing item

    Hi Mokonzi, I am in the process of pm'ing you the other data you wanted :) However one of my moderators just pointed out this error. ######################## Database error in vBulletin 4.2.2: Invalid SQL: SELECT o.* FROM theforumprefix__dbtech_classifieds_offer AS o WHERE...
  15. R

    Question canocial URL problems

    Sir, I am receiving the following errors from Bing webmaster tools after the vbseo-dbseo upgrade. Would you let me know how to solve it? Canonical tags can be used to help de-dupe URLs for pages with the same or very similar content. Bing has detected that your site is using what appears to be...
  16. J

    Question Performance question

    Hi Fillip H., sorry to bother you in another place but in my quest for vbseo removal I need to take care of thanks/vbseo likes. I've successfuly installed the lite version of the plugin and imported the vbseo likes. Recreated statistics and turned the plugin on. But the load on mysql server...
  17. 3

    Bug feedbacklist reviews gives me a database error

    Hi, I have the pro version, and since the last update when I click reviews gives me a database error: Database error in vBulletin 4.2.2: Invalid SQL: UPDATE xxxuser SET dbtech_classifieds_feedbackleftcount = 0...
  18. K

    Dragonbyte SEO - URL Rewrite rules for vBulletin

    Hi, we are planning to purchase VBulletin V4.2.1. and considering a possibility of using Dragonbyte SEO. Can you possibly advise how to redirect VBulletin URL's to DragonByte SEO. Do you recommend using rewrite rule in htaccess or there is another way? We have a considerable number of...
  19. M

    Bug Unknown Database error

    Hey Mokonzi, I am not sure what this one is from but I found it while I was looking at the feedback error that members are having... ===================================================== Database error in vBulletin 4.2.2: Invalid SQL: SELECT l.*, l.userid AS luserid...
  20. M

    Bug Feedback Database error.

    Hi Mokonzi, Running latest beta. One of my members is getting a database error when trying to leave feedback Here is what I can find in the database log... Database error in vBulletin 4.2.2: Invalid SQL: UPDATE theforumprefix__user SET dbtech_classifieds_feedbackleftcount = 0...