
  1. C

    Question Display the Module Border / Background / Header

    Hi all, I'd like to see if it's possible to display the usual module block around the module in vB 5.1.2. I briefly looked through the settings in the admin panel, but couldn't find any apparent options to do this. Currently it only shows the minimize icon, but due to the semi-transparent...
  2. B

    Bug vBDonate Dashboard

    I just wanted to put heads up to this bug, also reported by other users on As you can see on the picture, the settings-images for "rotating banner" and "sliding banner" are not showing up correctly. Checking the HTML showed the following:<a...
  3. M

    Legacy Cannot choose "screenshot" and "thumbnail" for the same image

    When uploading numerous images you cannot choose both "screenshot" and "thumbnail" for an image. Doing so will result in that particular image becoming the thumbnail but not appearing in the screenshots list. Steps to replicate: 1. Upload a file (like a zip) and several images. Choose one of...
  4. M

    Question Image Resize don't working

    Hi guys, i sucessfully install Dragonbyte Gallery Pro on my Site. But i wondering if the Galerie dont resize any images from my Users. The Images are Uploaded with 1920*1080, in the options, thumb size are 800*600. The Big Size of the Images kills my Style on Forum. You can see it here...
  5. Z

    Legacy Develop review images

    Hello Beliazor If you like, I have an idea for devellopper review pictures Indeed, why not use this tool to import images personal or simply gallery to do, and to simplify and streamline the display thing, look to be precise locations. In addition, add a button or member may choose how...
  6. R

    Bug vB Gallery Import works for albums but not the images

    I installed DragonByte Tech: Gallery (Pro) 1.3.2 and all seems to work. I was able to upload an album with pictures and no problems. I then tried to import using the Gallery Import. It knew I had a gallery, imported all of them but when it came time to importing the images, I got these...
  7. F

    Legacy Indirectly fetch embedded images from http: sites to stop mixed content SSL warnings

    I run my forum through https:// and it works well using DBSEO. However, whenever someone embeds a photo into a post from that thread page has a ! symbol in the left corner of the address bar in most browsers because it contains non-https:// content. Would there be some way of...
  8. B

    Question Need some help

    Whwn i am guest i see users "no avatar" images beside usernames - but when i am login on forum i do not see those images ... it is for users who have no avatars users with avatars is ok ... will attach picture to better explanation. have you some tips how get pictures back, mean that members...
  9. F

    Legacy Fetch images attached to posts from a CDN

    When the marketing text for this mod says that there is CDN integration, what does that mean exactly? Is it just CSS and JS files which can be saved to a CDN? A really valuable feature for me would be the ability to save all the images my users have attached to posts in Amazon cloud storage and...
  10. Nirjonadda

    Legacy More Open Graph Images

    It is a standard which Facebook and other big social networking sites use to extract information from a web page being shared/posted on their site. Open Graph meta tags tell Facebook the URL of the page to share, the title of the page, the type of content, and also one or more images to be used...
  11. R

    DragonByte Gallery Import from forums

    I am considering using DragonByte Gallery on our site. My question is whether or not it is possible to create galleries from forum posts, blogs, etc. For example, we have several screenshot forums. It would be nice if I could run a query to create galleries for users from these images. Is...
  12. D

    Question Professional install

    As I mentioned before, I need all the previous Vbseo likes to be merged with product. Also I can't see the like buttons at the threads and posts. Can you help with that?
  13. J

    Bug preg_match(): Compilation failed: missing terminating ] class_core.php on line 2417

    Hi, I have been investigating lack of notifications for tapatalk users after turning on vbanswer lite 2.0.0 (hotfixed yesterday) and current vbactivity pro. But the only error I get (a lot!) in the log is a dbseo error: [22-May-2014 20:49:14 UTC] PHP Warning: preg_match(): Compilation...
  14. mikez006

    Bug Forums aren't listed

    When I click a tab it lists all the Forum Categories, but doesn't list any of the actual forums within the categories. My forum has 500+ forums, so I'm not sure if this is an issue with too many forums or not. Cat 1 Title - Post Count Cat 2 Title - Post Count Cat 3 Title - Post Count
  15. W

    Bug Some bugs (?) in DragonByte Gallery Lite v1.3.2

    vBulletin version 4.2.0 + DragonByte Gallery Lite v1.3.2 Trying to play with Galery Lite and find some bugs. Sorry, but I cannot provide website URL because of internal testing 1. navigation_tab_complete.php: $submenu['prof_image'] = array( 'root' => $tabname, 'type' => 'link'...
  16. heyzeus909

    Bug image_box Height

    If you take a look at my site's Gallery homepage you'll notice that certain images have image_box height values that are 150,000+px!! As you'll see, not all of the images have this crazy-high of a value; only some of them. It appears that it's only the images that are from my Gallery that have...
  17. GoodApples

    Legacy Time Left - UserGroup Permissions

    I asked in the discussion here How to turn off Time Left... To Quote myself... Request for usergroup permissions and user permissions so that Admin and Listing User would be the only ones who can see it... In the mean time I could use a little help with editing to hide it :)
  18. Z

    Legacy add next and previous buttons

    Hello I would like to add the following buttons and precedant high dan presentation images. in dbtech_gallery_home <div id="gallery_nav_buttons"> {vb: raw nav_buttons} </ div> just before <div class="tr"> <div class="td blockrow" style="vertical-align: top; width: 100%;"> <div...
  19. R

    Bug Images in group´s album

    A typical link for an image looks like /forum/picture.php?pictureid=70&groupid=2&dl=1303921935&thumb=1 DSEO translates it to /forum/groups/groupname/pictures/698t-titel07-05-2008-a.png/ Without watching the source-code i see that .png is wrong, because we have only jpgs in our albums (i have...
  20. Grumpy

    Bug Updated to 1.1.3 and now no usergroup has access to ads

    I updated to 1.1.3 and now no one has access to ads including myself [admin]. I changed no settings in the user group(s).