Legacy Indirectly fetch embedded images from http: sites to stop mixed content SSL warnings

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I run my forum through https:// and it works well using DBSEO. However, whenever someone embeds a photo into a post from photobucket.com that thread page has a ! symbol in the left corner of the address bar in most browsers because it contains non-https:// content. Would there be some way of fetching external images through a PHP file so as to avoid these mixed content warnings please?
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This isn't exactly a feature relevant to SEO, and there's no feasible way of doing this programmatically because not every external site supports HTTPS.

Running your forum in HTTPS mode is not recommended because of the massive performance drain it creates (every single request, even images, have to go through a very mathematically complex encryption and decryption procedure).
I read elsewhere on this forum that you intended to support https with DBSEO.

Regarding the performance issues, you're right of course and in my case it has doubled my page loading times and caused server crashes, so I might have to revert to using a non-https connection in any case.

This isn't exactly a feature relevant to SEO, and there's no feasible way of doing this programmatically because not every external site supports HTTPS.

Running your forum in HTTPS mode is not recommended because of the massive performance drain it creates (every single request, even images, have to go through a very mathematically complex encryption and decryption procedure).
DBSEO supports HTTPS, but what you're asking isn't a DBSEO feature. If your BB URL was set to http://domain and you accessed it via https://domain, DBSEO's URLs would display as https://domain.

Remotely hosted image links are not controlled by DBSEO, because as I mentioned in my previous post it's impossible to know ahead of time whether the remotely hosted image server supports HTTPS. HTTPS support is an unknown because of the performance issues mentioned.
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