
  1. Neo_Angelo

    Legacy Ability to disable all avatars except vBavatars

    A suggestion i want to put across is a feature that allows admins to disable all other avatars if vBavatars is active so that only vBavatars is used, the reason i'd like this as a feature is because i think giving the users the option to use their own avatars is great but i think forums would...
  2. B

    Legacy Hide profile tabs to public

    Hi, In a future release could you please add the option to hide the mentions/quotes tabs from the public, I for one wouldn't want the public to see them from my profile. As a work around i placed the following code at the start and end of the relevant templates, doing so only allows the user...
  3. kfyonur

    Legacy hide for usergroup.

    I don't want to show slider to unregistered user..How can i do that or is it a feature request ?
  4. E

    Question Attachmets Require Thanks dont work

    I can see attachments without Thanks If i say Thanks just the message disappear Only work the " Require Thanks to see content " with Hide , hide only the space inside Hide's and with out hide , hide all the post - Everythinhg works ok but dont work the " Require Thanks to see attachments "...
  5. W

    Legacy How do I hide the thank/like bar when no thanks has been given

    this post shows how to do it in 3.8 but I need the 4.1 version any chance of getting this done in a future update and or posting how to for the current version? thanks!
  6. E

    Bug Thanks for ban members

    If you ban a member then its imposible say thanks ! So if something good inside the hide of his post you never saw this again !!! I thing need a fix Problem message show as : Invalid Post ID
  7. E

    Question Old [ *Hide ] posts

    I have so many old [ *hide ] posts but its not possible to edit one by one the " Require Thanks to see content " its somewhere a global option for this ?
  8. A

    Bug the link becomes hidden

    Hi, I click thank, and the link appears, but after a few days becomes invisible link, I click on un-thank and again thank to view it, an idea of ​​what problem? thx
  9. F

    Legacy add option to bump threads when thanks/like/etc. is hit

    On vB 3.x, I used the vS Hide Hack Ressurection thanks mod. It had one feature that I really liked: It had the option of bumping the thread when the user hit the thanks button. Do you think you guys could add this feature? The reason this is nice is because for some forums, I use the hide BB...
  10. F

    Legacy 2 suggestions - "Require Thanks to see content" vs [hide] and tidy-up thread display

    2 suggestions - "Require Thanks to see content" vs [hide] and tidy-up thread display Nice mod! I have the pro version and have noticed 2 things: 1. Why is there both "Require Thanks to see content" and the [hide] tag? It makes more sense that it should be one but not both. Specifically, the...
  11. GoodApples

    Legacy Commnets displayed in thread

    Yeah it's more interactive. :) Comments displayed inline in the thread. UserGroup permissions please do not wish non-registered user to view comments at this time. ;) Also if there are no comments maybe hide the 0 Comment(s) from view. Nothing like having a bunch of 0 Comment(s) on a bunch of...
  12. John Craftycarping Oliver

    Bug Pm links in shoutbox not linking to inboxes

    Hello there We encountered a problem with pm links in the chatbox not linking to the users inbox, now as ive recieved a pm on here, i thought i would try it and low and behold it doesnt link up to the inbox when i click the link in the chatbox. Here a screenie of the message i recieve both on...
  13. V

    vBCredits II Deluxe Question

    I want to purchase the vBCredits II Deluxe but before I do I have a question. What Im trying to do is that I want to hide my links using vbcredits in my forum. So if a user wants to view the links then he/she must have enought credits to view the links. But with my family and friends I dont want...
  14. Valcav

    Staff Notes System

    Most people probably dont see the point of this kind of mod... What should it do: Staff Notes let's you write a note (displayed above the first post of the thread) on each thread that only certain usergroups can read! nice for gaming clans or community forum. Maximum amount of Staff Notes...
  15. draque

    Question Active users

    I want to remove or hide Active Users, how i make ?
  16. reeshe

    Legacy Hiding criteria

    I use this mod along with hide hack Resurrection. I mostly use this one for the dislike button and the custom button. I would really love to get rid of the Hide hack Resurrection altogether but its important to my board. Getting rid of it isn't an option until I find a suitable replacement...
  17. B

    Question Need help with auto refresh

    Hi, I need some help with Advanced Thanks mod. 1. Page does not get auto refresh after pressing thanks button when attachment is hidden. 2. option to have hide attachment with new thread in certain forums. Thanks.
  18. Sunka

    Bug Database error in AdminCP

    Same problem discribed in this thread. When tried to install this MOD, when click in AdminCP to install MOD product xml file shows this vBulletin database error. I can not go back to AdminCP any more. I have tried disabling my modifications/plugins by editing includes/config.php but still same...
  19. GoodApples

    Testing Post Template

    Enhanced Interface - Full WYSIWYG Editing
  20. Valcav

    Threaded PMs

    Here I am again... I was just looking to a message I received a few months ago on YouTube, and it included the following video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3hfGhTbr-A it is about Threaded PM's You could say, why ask DBT to make such a product if it already exists...? Well, I don't really...