
  1. A

    Help adjust settings seo

    Good evening I want help in setting up the hack Where the Hack is carrying the subject twice in two different forms: ????? ?? ???? ?????? ????? "Lupin III" ?????? I want to prevent search engines from archiving these links ...
  2. M

    Bug Has anything changed

    Hi Fillip H., Long time, hope all is well mate. I have been doing my usual updates having had this mod for years now... But this update seems to have broken the likes, I can still like from tapatalk, but the forum when I press the like button it just disapeers and does not register the...
  3. B

    Bug Error when try to post new thread

    Hello Get error message when try to post new thread with vb forms used (white page) Fatal error: Cannot use [] for reading in /home/mysite/public_html/vb4/dbtech/dbforms/hooks/newthread_form_complete.php on line 35 please some help! regards bosss use latest version vb forms and vb 4.2.3...
  4. Trekkan

    Legacy Ticket permissions based on category, not global

    I'd like to be able to set permissions based on usergroup instead of global for editing/handling forms. I have different forms on my site, such as one for Website issues and one for applications. I don't want those that handle applications to be able to modify those tickets that are put in for...
  5. J

    Question Reviews, instances, categories and changing the form

    I have installed DBTech Reviews, translated it and started to play. But I came across a limitation and need to ask if it is possible to modify the relation between category and instance. I'm running a parenting forum and wanted to let my users review different products they use. I wanted this to...
  6. M

    Legacy Disable Postage - Let them contact each other

    My members are quite used to doing the postage in either PM or using the Pm system to call each other. Since you implemented the checks (one of the betas I posted about) that made members HAVE to use the postage system we are getting hardly any members selling. In our old forums and dbtech...
  7. Trekkan

    Legacy Invite to specific instances

    When someone sends an invite at the moment, it's a blanket invite to the forum. What I'd like to see is when someone attempts to send an invite to an email address, the forum should display a list of all registration forms they have access to and ask them which one they'd like to send an invite...
  8. K

    Legacy primissions access

    its to bad that anyone is a admin can access all of the forms and can edit all of them maybe we need some admins to access only some forms and manage them i think anyone is manager in that forum should be manager of forms in that forum
  9. Em Kay

    Legacy Payment Not Required

    I have in the "Manage Forms" that Payment s required, but members are able to post a listing without marking a Payment
  10. Em Kay

    Bug Manage Forms not saving

    This option wont let me save as "Yes" (will this make adding a photo mandatory?
  11. Em Kay

    Bug Auction listing, unable to bid when putting in Reserve price

    From one of our testers
  12. Em Kay

    Bug More feedback issues

    This is being tested by users over all kinds of platforms, mobile, safari, ie, ff, chrome ect ect and at this stage, this plugin is completely unusable :( which makes me very sad because it would be a game changer in VB forums for sites like ours that use Classifieds heavily. I had expected a...
  13. Em Kay

    Bug Specifications

    When adding a specification, after selecting Always in "manage forms" in the ACP, going to add a listing, shows more than one "Specification" box. It seems after clearing the cache and rebuilding, if there were previous specification removed, they're not completely removed from the front end of...
  14. L

    VB Auto Reply system

    Was wondering if you guys have thought about creating a thread auto reply system for vb4/vb5. I know there others out there such as Vsa and Cyb, but i think one from you guys would be a good alternative AND rival to existing mods. On my board that these mods are ok but not totally flexible. I...
  15. J

    Bug Invalid Category after editing listing

    in beta 4 when editing a listing we now get an invalid category message, looks like the category field is missing from the available edit boxes, should it be editable ?
  16. M

    Legacy Force Options to be submitted

    Hi Mokonzi, How do I force postage, delivery, and payment type to be entered. I have lots of items being sold that have some or none of the above I did put REQUIRED in all of the settings in the forms manager section??? But it seems Members can still post without delivery stated, and...
  17. C

    Bug 400 bad request can't mark forums read

    I have vbseo and installed dbseo and imported the older vbseo setting so now- 1) mark forms read does not work I just get a white page 2) some links work and some don't link this one- 400 Bad Request I'm using the default htppacess file need help asap!
  18. R

    Guild Recruitment Questions?

    I was wondering, which Mod would be best for asking questions and having members answer them, I tried forms and found that it is hard to follow. The users stated this. Meaning the questions are to far apart from the answers. So I was wondering which one may be the best option if any on this site?
  19. CharlieDelta

    Bug Unable to Remove Fee & Featured Fee Problem

    Two part problem; I am testing the featured fee as I would like to charge a percentage to users to feature their item. 1) When I try to remove the fee I get this error and unable to remove it. 2) When I have the feature fee active there is no option to choose if it is a featured item when...
  20. Morrus

    Legacy Doanload delay change

    (You can't post in these forums with tapatalk as the pre-post forms are missing) The download delay is a great idea, but would be a thousand times better if it used the best setting for your usergroups rather than the worst. The way it's currently set up, you can't use the paid subscription...