
  1. M

    Bug Member profile URL rewrite

    Hi, I have a bug with the rewrite function on members profiles. It add a "-a" like : Forum Mac => doesn't work Forum Mac => work Thanks
  2. webi

    Bug Likes on Profile Page and Posts

    The same problem also on my forum ( Could it be solved by the maintenance function. Furthermore, since the update will not always display all user names in the posts who have thanked.
  3. O

    Question Likes on profile page dissappear

    I recently updated to ver 3.2.5 and now having problems with the user profile page. Anytime there is new like activity the user's like history is wiped out. It either says "no results to show..." or lists only new like activity. If I run "Rebuild Button Click Cache" the user's like history is...
  4. M

    Question Upgraded and all thanks gone?

    Hi, Upgraded this morning, it seemed like it upgraded fine. It did a very long finalising part which took about 10 minutes. But nothing seemed like it went wrong. Went to a few threads, and now there is no thanks and likes at all. But my profile block still contains them... I cleared the...
  5. B

    Question Unable to upload XML during installation. -> XML Error: "No error at Line 0"

    Unable to upload XML during installation. -> XML Error: "No error at Line 0" Hi, I am having problems with the latest version of the advanced user tagging. When I go to upload the XML version for v3, I keep getting this error: XML Error: "No error at Line 0". I have re-downloaded several...
  6. D

    Bug SOme Home page forum URLS dont work after update

    HI, After running the latest update with VBSEO 6 out 40 of the boards on my forum the links do not work... they just redirect back to the home page.... If you roll your mouse over them the URL is right but it redirects to the home page.... I have wondered why certain parts of the forum are...
  7. M

    Question Where can we save our URL configs?

    Hi there, I am not sure, maybe not looking correctly, or maybe does not exist? But is there a config file I can download to keep my URLS safe? Was wanting to put an XML on my dropbox account for extra protection? Regards Mick
  8. Replicators

    Bug Manage Areas error

    I have a problem in the "Manage Areas" menu, please refer to my attachments to see what i mean.
  9. S


    Right now im fixing to switch from xenforo back to vbulletin 4.2 and was wondering if the vbcredits had a opition where if you don't have enough credits you cant download attachments. I bought a credits mod for xf which does this and would like to have the same thing for vb. Thanks
  10. Q

    Question Update to Vbulletin 4.2.2 Patch Level 1

    Hello, I saw that there is a new update for vbulletin: 4.2.2 patch level 1. Currently, I have the version 4.2.1 of vBulletin + dbseo 1.0.7 Can I upgrade directly to 4.2.2 patch level 1 or there might be some problem? Thank you!
  11. bzcomputers

    Bug Download permission errors on all files ending with a number

    I was previously on 2.2.0pl1 and upgraded to 2.2.0pl2 when you issued a fix for quotations in a download name. Now all of my download threads where the download name ends in a number are giving access errors (admins and guests alike - which should all have access to the download pages). Settings...
  12. 3

    Question product free

    Possible product is $ 0, free and download?
  13. K

    Bug Filecache never purged

    We just installed Vboptimise yesterday and are using the filecache for guest caching (I'm not sure if storing whole HTML pages in APC is a good idea). The problem is that we have 1500 guests online at one time and the filecache folder has already grown to 3GB. So now, when trying to perform...
  14. S

    Bug No Automatic Sitemap Generation after upgrade to 1.0.4

    Hi, i post all of it here and i reduce the number of items and test it (5000 and a day later 500) but no chance. Do you have any ideas?
  15. Replicators

    Bug Database Error!

    After a fresh install of forumon, i am getting... Database error in vBulletin 4.2.2: Invalid SQL: INSERT INTO `dbtech_vbshout_instance` (`name`, `description`, `active`, `autodisplay`, `deployment`, `permissions`, `bbcodepermissions`, `sticky`, `shoutsound`, `invitesound`, `pmsound`...
  16. bzcomputers

    Bug Issue with vbDownloads rewrites...

    The following is in reference to vBDownloads rewrites: 1) I've noticed that some download page url rewrites contain a "-a" while others don't. Why do half of my rewrites contain it and half don't? (I see this by looking at the .xml produced for the downloads) 2) Rewrites are currently not...
  17. O

    Bug Issue with Link Titles / External URLs

    In the latest update there appears to be a problem with the Link Title feature. I have "Link Titles" set to "Overwrite Title" and I have "Link Titles: External URLs" Off. The problem is that this turns off Link Titles for Internal forum URLs. This did work in previous versions however lately...
  18. S

    Can't download and no email, i've already sent an email for confirmation and nothing

    I bought a service that is not working and i cannot find any support.
  19. bzcomputers

    Bug Quotations in Download Name cause issues in url when using rewrites

    Quotations in any download name are causing url issues when being rewritten. The quotation is currently breaking the url link where it is inserted. I see this for thumbnail urls, download page urls, and download urls referenced multiple places throughout the mod. Looks like quotes need to be...
  20. Morrus

    Bug Download errors

    Whenever I try to upload a file of larger than about 10MB it usually takes me 4-5 attempts before it'll work. I get lots of failed uploads with a "Downlaod Error: True" message, but if I keep trying it works eventually. We have a web upload size limit set in the 30MB range, so it's well...