
  1. T

    Question Display Answer/Solution without a prefix?

    Is this possible or does the thread have to have a prefix for the answer/solution tag to display in the thread list?
  2. C

    Question Display the Module Border / Background / Header

    Hi all, I'd like to see if it's possible to display the usual module block around the module in vB 5.1.2. I briefly looked through the settings in the admin panel, but couldn't find any apparent options to do this. Currently it only shows the minimize icon, but due to the semi-transparent...
  3. S

    Question Selling a Random Item & few more questions

    Hello, I'm wondering whether Lite/Pro, the following are possible. Please tell me which of the things I list are possible, and which are not. I would also really appreciate it if you tell me how each one is done, if the feature is possible. Is it possible at all, using any method in vBShop, to...
  4. S

    Bug Credits show 0 when posts update via AJAX threads

    When new posts show up through AJAX threads (the mod by you guys), credit displays 0. Refreshing the page correctly numbers the credit display. How do you fix this?
  5. Z

    Legacy refresh default display

    Hello there I think the title says the idea. If you ever find it interesting, it would be that when a page refreshes or you go to another subject, the display automatically returns postbit Tab on the first tab (ball). so this can make a thank you very much
  6. T

    Question Variable for total likes/thanks in postbit?

    Is there a single variable I can use in postbit to display the total links/thanks for a member?
  7. GoodApples

    Bug New Lisiting automatically goes to Unsold

    New Listing not Listing and getting a Unsold PM right away!
  8. F

    Question Disable PM notification, remove "Mentions:" from forum display

    1). Every time someone is quoted they receive a Private Message saying "You Have Been Quoted!" and also they receive the Notification that they have been quoted. The notification is sufficient, I want to disable users getting PM when being quoted. How can it be done? 2). I'd like to continue...
  9. A

    Question Just upgraded to v3.2.7, how come all of the previous history is gone from the tab

    Hi, I just upgraded to Advanced Post Thanks / Like v3.2.7. As soon I activated, all of the previous history is gone from the tab. Why did it do that and how can I fix it? Also one of my posts had 20 likes and now looking it, it has only 2 likes that were given after the update and now when...
  10. O

    Legacy Advanced Post Thanks Like Pro - HIDE code - This Post Requires You To Click...

    Hello, I have bought MOD "Advanced Post Thanks - Like v3.2.7 Pro LIFETIME" and installed it on my forum. This MOD is really sophisticated, I have to say. As English is not my mother language, it took me a while to go through the settings, but this is not a disadvantage of the MOD, of course. It...
  11. J

    Bug preg_match(): Compilation failed: missing terminating ] class_core.php on line 2417

    Hi, I have been investigating lack of notifications for tapatalk users after turning on vbanswer lite 2.0.0 (hotfixed yesterday) and current vbactivity pro. But the only error I get (a lot!) in the log is a dbseo error: [22-May-2014 20:49:14 UTC] PHP Warning: preg_match(): Compilation...
  12. G

    Question thread show problem after post

    hi to all when i post new thread not show to me new thread in the forum but when i refresh the page then it show to me new thread other wise new posted thread show to me after many time i already post in vbulletin.org thread show problem after post - vBulletin.org Forum some one advice to me...
  13. Force

    Question Mentions

    I did this post last night, but for some reason it is no longer here don't know why it was deleted. I know how to do a name tag and the quotes am sure it works when you quote the thread but have not tested it yet but how do you do the Mention tag
  14. mikez006

    Bug Forums aren't listed

    When I click a tab it lists all the Forum Categories, but doesn't list any of the actual forums within the categories. My forum has 500+ forums, so I'm not sure if this is an issue with too many forums or not. Cat 1 Title - Post Count Cat 2 Title - Post Count Cat 3 Title - Post Count
  15. D

    Bug Recent Entries setting does not work

    Hi, I have tried to change the default setup of 30 days but it does not work. Whatever I choose (more or less) it seem that the parameter is hardcoded at 30 days. Thanks David
  16. LEE2oo

    Question Random Gallery Image Block Alignment

    Hello guys I'm trying to align the Gallery Image blocks on the Home Page on my VBulletin 4.2.2 Site. On just one of the themes that's fixed not Fluid, the Image blocks are running over the right side theme border. Could you advise which Gallery Template I need to alter the size width of the...
  17. T

    Question dealing with old rewrite now DBSEO installed

    Hi, When I installed DB SEO lite on the forum I made the required changes to the friendly URLS options page in the install instructions. The site originally used the vBulletin rewrite rules, in the structure domain.com/forums/threads/post-name since installing DBSEO this is now...
  18. webi

    Bug Diesplay Error in Mail History

    Hi Dragonbyte Tech Team, We are preparing the deployment of vbmail in our forum. Now we noticed a display error in Mail History .
  19. Em Kay

    Bug Listing Length

    Can this display as it is typed in the ACP? For instance we have a "1 Day Quickie" But it only shows as 1 I would like to see the titles that they are named in the ACP 1 Day Quickie 3 Days 7 Days Versus: 1 3 7 Thanks :D
  20. M

    Bug Add Free Key is not working

    Hey all, My branding free key does not work. Can someone help? I have copied the key and manually entered it and it still comes up invalid key. Nick