
  1. J

    Bug Slow Forum when DBSEO is installed

    Hello Since i installed this mod on my forum, it has become very slow, it is also crashing sometimes and causing very high mysql usage & CPU usage. I cannot see anything suspicious in mysqld.log file nor in the apache error log file. Any ideas why this is happening ? If i disable the mod...
  2. I

    Question External links tracking redirect-to?

    Recent install of DBSEO. Under dbseo cp -> SEO Settings -> Google Analytics Settings we have Google analytics enabled and settings are configured to track external links, with External Link Clicks Format as /forums/outgoing/ ... however, on the forum, the external links are formatted as...
  3. N

    Legacy AdSense Tags and Remove White-Spaces

    Hello, vBSEO has a Feature for the Adsense Start and End Tags of the Relevant Content. <!-- google_ad_section_start --> HERE IS THE CONTENT <!-- google_ad_section_end --> And also vBSEO has a Feature to remove White-Spaces into the HTML Output. Please add these functions. Thank you!
  4. A

    Legacy Add rel=”author” support for Thread Starter

    https://yoast.com/push-rel-author-head/ This site demonstrates how to add it to wordpress. We could use it also for dbseo.
  5. K

    Question how to completly disable url rewrite

    hi i really dont like url rewrite and everytime it has many conflict or "page not found" or .... so how can i desable it in DB Seo? specially this one: URL Part Separator its get "Page not found" when xml sitemap from dbseo will send and all urls are get this error from google
  6. N

    Bug Priority Sort of Meta Keywords

    Hello, the new Function Priority Sort of the Keywords does not work. Title of our Test Thread: Sammelthread: aktuelle Lidl/Aldi Angebote --- Hinweise / Fragen / Diskussionen Content of our Test Thread: Ich möchte hier mal ein ganz besonderen Thread eröffnen, in dem man sich immer über neue...
  7. ibinamaster

    Bug usergroup based error

    User A: User of Forum User B: Admin I'm using custom rewrite URLs, but also tried the default ones. The URLs aren't the problem, because the same URL works for other users. I have one particular Thread that causes a critical error. This Thread has 100 replies, 1 delated reply and is 11 pages...
  8. M

    Bug Error with custom BB Code

    Hi, i made an own BB-Code that allows User to link to an Userprofile with an Tag. username the tag give the name in the text in bold and linked to the Profile. But after upgrading from vbseo to dbseo it´s not work. The Code from the Tag is <b><a...
  9. secondeye

    Question Branding Fee License

    Hello, I had purchase VBSEO v1.0.12 Liftetime membership. Let me know how to remove PRoduct name in my forum footer? My Branding Free License is giving error: Error: You did not enter a valid value for this setting. My license is in this format: L.DBSEO.LIFE.1xxxx0Q7xxx5
  10. D

    Question Archive options

    Hi, I have purchased DBSEO today in order to migrate from VBSEO. I did the migration right now in my production environment and it seems to be OK. BUT I have seen that my archives thread links are not rewritten the same way than when browsing normaly. My fear is to have duplicate content due...
  11. C

    Question apostrophe handling

    I would really like to see the apostrophe handling in forum titles be changed or at least an option to skip the apostrophe instead of putting a dash in the URL. Previously vbseo dropped the apostrophes...thus now existing inbound links to my forums with apostrophes in their names are broken...
  12. Q

    Bug Problem with Sitemap

    Hello, I have a problem with the sitemap. GWT tells me: Your Sitemap does not contain URLs. Validating your Sitemap and resubmit. What should I do? Thank you! Sitemap url: http://www.milanworld.net/dbseositemap.php