
  1. bzcomputers

    Legacy What is the purpose of the "-a" trailing on urls with title that ends in a number?

    What is the purpose of the "-a" trailing on urls with title that ends in a number? What is the purpose of the "-a" trailing on urls with titles that end in a number? If it is not essential can you add a setting so that we can disable this feature? I have quite a few urls that end in a date...
  2. P

    Question Settings help

    Hello, Need some help with settings: right now i give my users credits for every post they make but i want that it cant occur more thne 5x a day how do i do that ?? :) and second i want when someone gets infraction that they lose credits even when the infractions expires ? ty
  3. U

    Question .htaccess

    I didnt use vbseo and today i just brought these awaresome plugin that i wait for very long i not very familar with how the rewrite rule work so is it possible to attach the .htaccess rewritten rule code here for url rewirte ,i read the readme text but was confused
  4. T

    Legacy Question about vbclassified

    I am looking at Classified and wonder why no images show on your screenshot: Is it not possible to show images of the various products being sold? Also, what currencies can be used? How about shipping or picking up? I have installed panjo through vbulletin but am not happy about it as it...
  5. B

    Question Errors when importing games (ibpro)

    Hello Have board 4.2.2 (new installation) and your latest arcade. When import games get this errors in my admincp: Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 248 Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in...
  6. B

    Legacy Changed vBulletin to SSL / https --> Browser Blocking Thread Rating

    Hi, due to the huge hacking of vBulletin Boards, we changed our board to work with SSL only. After that, our users can only view the rates, but cannot rate. This happens because threadrating is sideloading content from None-SSLSites. IE is showing a waring, Firefox and Chrome blocks the...
  7. G

    Question Thanks button not working

    Hello i successfully installed the advance post thanks/like but the button is not click able can anybody had experience like this please guide me thanks. Best Regards, GsmCebu
  8. C

    Question Remove details from post bit

    Hi Guys quick question. How do I remove the drop down box from the post bit altogether? I know I can remove the drop down box and it displays all the likes given ect, but I'm not sure how to remove all the info. I did it before on a previous version but I've just upgraded to the new version...
  9. CharlieDelta

    Bug Width and Block Font Color Issue - Styling

    I am having a block font color issue when viewing a listing as well as a width issue on my custom DBT skin. Is it also possible to auto adjust imported image sizes?
  10. angeljs

    Bug Post Style Colour Doesn't Change

    When a user purchased the pre-defined post style, the font style changes, but not the colour. The colour I'm trying to use is #013ADF . The colours work in other items, such as pre-defined username styles etc., just not the post styles.
  11. Em Kay

    Legacy Choose Mod/Admins to approve Reviews

    Just working through all the settings and a PM was sent to 1 mod, but not the rest of the team when a review needed approval. Would it be possible to choose which UserGroups get the PM? Cheers! (I feel like I am bugging you guys to death with silly things!)
  12. A

    Sitewide Branding Free - Monthly Option

    Curious why you guys don't have a monthly option for the sitewide branding free license. ...I for one would love such an option. My number one complaint about dragonbyte-tech is how disgusting thie modifications makes the footer of my site look, and how expensive the branding free option is...
  13. E

    Question Translated after upgrade?

    hello, i have a question, me arcade 2.0.2 is translated in german, when i will arcade ugrade too newest version, whe can i save the translated ? or all new translated after upgrade?
  14. XGC Paravain

    Question Updating Past Activity

    Im wondering how to update my members past activity?
  15. J

    Force Ban Reason

    Should be an easy one, and I can't find anything that supports 4.2.1. I have mods and want them to state a reason why they banned a particular member instead of the N/A. While I can ask them do it, which I do, it would be easier if there was a force to leave a reason. Also, maybe upon banning...
  16. F

    Bug Items displayed in the shop/categories...

    I'm having problems displaying the correct number of items in the shop. I was considering buying the Pro version, but need to know if this is a paging error in the mod, or have I done something wrong. I have 26 items. The only time the correct number being shown is when I choose 100. 26...
  17. S

    Question Access Donations from front end

    Hi I have installed and think setup vbdonate correctly, but how to I access it from the front end.
  18. fly

    Question Using Amazon S3 for styles doesn't work

    So I decided to try and use S3 on my site today. I enabled the bucket, added all the pertinent info, and had vbO copy all the proper files into the new bucket. Everything is fully synced. Now, when I turn on the CDN, the styles get all screwed up with white background. It doesn't seem like...
  19. C

    Legacy Comments and Database...

    I see that comments are very simple, users can’t quote, edit or remove their comments like vBulletin does. Also there is no subscription method. Looking further inside the code to see how you build comment system, I see that you don’t use the vBulletin system. You store all messages in your...
  20. Viceroy

    Question About the posting to Twitter

    Does it post only new threads or also replies to threads?