
  1. CrazyHackGUT

    Pending Translatable product filters

    When we setup category for products, we can add custom filters: Unfortunately, they cannot be translated to another language (like we can did with possible choices in Custom fields).
  2. 1quicksi

    Question Questions...

    1. The categories that are shown on the left side of the screen. Is there a way to make it larger so the names do not wrap? Or maybe at least have the lines lined up? 2. Is it possible to make the category description a tool tip so when you hover over the category name that the description...
  3. G

    Invalid Category ID error when submitting support ticket

    Hi there, I tried submitting a support ticket (as follows) but when I did, I got an invalid category ID but I did try both Pre-Sales and a different category but got the error both times. Hopefully you don't mind that I have submitted this here. My question was:- Hello, I'm just upgrading my...
  4. S

    Bug Category default tab issue.

    It seems, no matter what I set the default tab to for a category, it still defaults to 'All'. Not sure what the issue is here. Unless I'm missing something.
  5. T

    Question Floating the border between the category dropdown and the thumbnails

    Some of our category names are quite long and wrap round inside the category box, it it possible to allow the category dropdown box to size itself depending on the length of the category name, then have the border move across the page allowing less space for the thumbnails?
  6. T

    Question Changing category

    Hi If I upload an image into the wrong category, how do I change the category? Thanks
  7. T

    Suggestions on [DBTech] DragonByte Shop

    Dear Sir/Madam, After quick testing of this addon, I have some recommendations for this product: 1. There should be the function to automatically create new thread in pre-defined category when new item added on shop. Currently, users can not find the place to ask/discuss about a specific item 2...
  8. Praetorian

    Legacy Navigation Fix?

    Currently the mod does not offer a way to go from the article BACK to the category it was listed from. Site with lots of categories can cause their users much frustration with out that ability to easily go back. I tried implementing a history back button and that works for some instances but...
  9. A

    Question Importing from Photopost or VBGallery

    I see the option to import from Photopost and VBG but have a few questions. I have over 40,000 photos in my VBGallery. I don't want to import all these photos into my new DBG and have them all dump into one category. Is there a way to have the same category names in DBG that I have in VBG and...
  10. Mokonzi

    DragonByte Classifieds v2.0.0 Closed Beta 1 Released!

    Hi everyone, Today we're bringing news of DragonByte Classifieds Version 2. The product has reached Beta stage and is being opened up to selected users who are able to provide testing before we make the Beta public in the next few weeks. Highlights: User Shops: An often requested feature...
  11. Mokonzi

    Question DragonByte Classifieds v2.0.0 Alpha 5 Update

    Here we go with our fifth update guys! Alpha 5 introduces lots of new features and fixes for Version 2 and some older Version 1 issues. This update introduces the following: Fixed: Missing Phrases Fixed: Email containing UserID and not the correct Username Fixed: Cancel Listing option in...
  12. K

    Question Question about file location after import

    I have a question about file locations after import. For example we are currently using vbgallery which is no longer supported and it seems that PhotoPost that they wanted us to switch to may also be no longer supported. Currently in vbgallery when a member uploads a photo it gets stored like...
  13. doctorsexy

    Question Arcade category tabs color do i change the game category tabs color, without changing the same tabs in the my profile page...thanks
  14. Fillip H.

    DragonByte vBForms v2.2.3 Released

    Hey all, We're releasing DragonByte vBForms v2.2.3 in order to implement functionality requested by the community. If you like the product, you can show your support by nominating it for mod of the month here, [DBTech] DragonByte vBForms v2 (vB4) - Forum , and also please rate...
  15. 2

    Legacy Custom Meta Title Per Category

    I know you can change the meta description and keywords for categories but to make use of the "title" I would like to enter a custom title. Changing the title of the category to more then 2 words makes the link and url text too long. Example: This gives the title ...
  16. S

    Question Set Default Value for Category

    When creating a new thread with a Form assigned, I would like the Category to be 'Request Quote' (Or any value I choose). Currently it only displays "Select Category" and the user has to use the drop down to select the only option available. I read in this thread that the default category...
  17. Fillip H.

    DragonByte Raffles v1.1.0 Released

    Hey all, Hot on the heels of the launch of the Gold version, we're releasing DragonByte Raffles v1.1.0. This version adds even more value to the Pro version with the ability to manage your raffles from the front-end, with many of the same features as can be found in the AdminCP. Of course...
  18. Fillip H.

    DragonByte Raffles v1.0.0 Gold (& Lite) Released

    Hey all, After a highly successful Beta period, we now feel that we are ready to announce the immediate availability of DragonByte Raffles v1.0.0 Gold (Lite & Pro). This version adds a new feature for Pro customers; Recurring Raffles. You will be able to specify your raffles not to recur, or a...
  19. Fillip H.

    DragonByte Raffles v1.0.0 Beta 4 Released

    Hey all, We are announcing the immediate availability of DragonByte Raffles v1.0.0 Beta 4 (Pro-only). This version adds new usergroup permissions, both globally and per-category. There's now a new UG permission for who can enter raffles, alongside a per-category UG permission for viewing and...
  20. ar15dcm

    Question Unable to Select Category/Category not displayed in drop down

    Hello, I am testing VBQuiz and I have successfully installed it. However after creating one category this category and the default category do not show up on the drop down when creating a new quiz. Because I am testing I have only given Admins and Mods access to create or view the quiz etc...