
  1. T

    Product/Business Review System

    A lot of people have been waiting a long time for a product review system that has all the bells and whistles. Currently there is nothing out that that is supported that works well as a review system. Dragon-byte may be the only one that can pull this off properly and I hope this is seriously...
  2. Force

    What's New

    In the what's new tab if I say go to a topic and read it then go back to the what's new tab its gone like it should or click mark forums read then it clears all posts in there as it should. But on my forums it does not do this. So my question is how do I make this work on my forum
  3. CharlieDelta

    Legacy Statistics Page Per Ad

    Some customers who buy ads like to see and have statics emailed to them that contain the following information; Impressions Clicks CTR Unique IP's Date of First click Date of Last click etc I realize they may be buying an ad based on max clicks or impressions but the other and opposite...
  4. OlijO

    VAT for society

    Hi, i'm the owner of I'm a little society with VAT number in EU I see you charge the VAT, but you don't give to the customer to specify our VAT number and not pay it. It's a real problem, because in regard of the law, you need to give me the possibility to specify my VAT and be...
  5. D

    Question Need help making VBShop and VBCredits Deluxe work in unison

    What I need to know is what's my best bet when setting them up so that I have only one currency for both mods and nothing duplicates. I'd like to add a custom currency and only use it in both modifications. If you point me in the right direction it would be very much appreciated. Thanks for your...
  6. J

    Question Pruning

    Is there currently a way to prune the shouts but keep the total number of shouts? My members really enjoy the notifications when they hit a big number, but the shouts table is now taking up about 50MB of space. If there is no way to do this, is the size of the table going to be an issue going...
  7. Neo_Angelo

    when are the old mods getting some love?

    VBAvatars hasn't had an update in forever, its such a good mod and could be made so much better but its been neglected for other mods that are frankly pointless in my opinion (Re-direct banned users for example). I'm just wondering if you guys have any plans on updating/upgrading any of the old...
  8. A

    paypal closed my account

    Hi, I had exactly the same problem as this Member , no reason, no explanation, so I hope you will one day another payment system, try (ex-alertpay) may be a good alternative, thx thx
  9. C

    Legacy only show forum which user has permissions in list

    I was looking around in vbactivity and noticed in the contests list that the list of excluded forums was showing all of the forums rather than just the ones that a user would have permissions to view. I would prefer to have the private forums not show up for members that don't have permissions...
  10. CoZmicShReddeR

    Bug How to Stop Forums From Auto collapsing?

    I am having an issue with this mod it keeps auto collapsing my main forums?? I really want to use it but seriously some default setting or a conflict or something have no idea what it is but I cannot enable it until I figure it out or stop it from happening... There is also a theme issue not...
  11. K

    What do I need?

    You have so many AWESOME products...I'm sure you can advise me better what I need. I currently have your LIKE/THANKS product...and I love it. My users are requesting "SOMETHING" that will help make their experience better. Let me explain: My site is primarily a site for Professional...
  12. W

    Bug Lots of Unconfirmed Contributions or Duplicate Entries

    Hello! I'm not sure if this is a bug or what, but it's only been two days since I started publicly using vbDonate and I'm getting a lot of strange unconfirmed (and non-existent as far as Paypal is concerned) entries in my Donations List. I've only had three real contributions so far, but for one...
  13. cliff p

    Legacy Request: Detach enhancement

    Hey folks! I have a request: I'd like to have the capability to launch the "detach" function in a separate "simple" window that has no URL, or other enhanced functions of a browser. A simple pop-out window that a user can resize would be wonderful. Many users have asked if this would be...
  14. R

    Question Is there a way to Tag all

    Is there a way to tag all users at once? Something like by using @All notification will go to all users. Also how to use # feature. Say I want to write something on Lady Gaga. If I write #Ladygaga , how will I know what is trending and what is not?
  15. J

    Just joined, presently running vB4

    Just joined your forum because I just discovered your mailing list mod, vBmail, at We're in Hertfordshire UK: You seem to be based in Glasgow UK, the other partner in my business was born in East Kilbride and we still have family up there in the rain and the midgies ;). I was...
  16. B

    Legacy Trending Hash Tags in 3.x Statistics

    I noticed the vb4 has the trending widget. Would it be possible to have something similar or atleast be able to have hash tag stats in the statistics for vbulletin 3 versions. Thanks
  17. C

    Legacy Postbit stats display

    I would like to display this on the forum postbit but I'm stuck. Likes: 15 How can I come about this please.
  18. R

    Upgrading from VBCredits 1.4

    Hello, I Just upgraded from vb3 to vb4 I was using vBCredits 1.4 The Ultimate Points System by Darkwaltz4 [] enables users to gain Credits in many ways, and spend them in many third party applications. Can i upgrade this product with VBCredits II The old website linked to...
  19. J

    Bug Several Errors to report

    I have been looking forward to this mod but wanted to try the lite before I upgraded. I've had some trouble. 1) I installed the mod with no errors. Launching a new browser instance I logged out and tried to create a new account. There are two screens Age and everything else. After filling...
  20. B

    Legacy Multiple Layers per Part

    I would like to request the ability to have multiple layers per Avatar Part. This is needed for any big or long hair styles where the front of the hair may go over the avatar top while the back of the hair can fall behind the avatar. Also, other effects that wrap around the avatar need this...