
  1. CharlieDelta

    Bug Syntax Error in Beta 3

    Just updated to the new beta and getting this error when trying to go to the classifieds page. Warning: Unexpected character in input: ''' (ASCII=39) state=1 in /..../dbtech/classifieds/actions/listing.php on line 23 Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end, expecting ']' in...
  2. Mokonzi

    Question DragonByte Classifieds v1.0.0 (Closed) Beta 3 Testing Information

    For Beta 3, we've got a few more fixes and the notes system added in, with some issues still outstanding. Will be working on implementing more of these for Beta 4. In the Admin Control Panel the following areas are not completed: Manage Listings Manage Offers In the User Control Panel sections...
  3. CharlieDelta

    Bug Width and Block Font Color Issue - Styling

    I am having a block font color issue when viewing a listing as well as a width issue on my custom DBT skin. Is it also possible to auto adjust imported image sizes?
  4. J

    Bug Error viewing classifieds if not logged in to forum.

    If you setup your classified section for public viewing and view the classifieds without logging in the following error shows : No error shows if your logged into the forum.
  5. J

    Bug PM after Auction End

    After my test auction finished I received a PM notification but the URL to the listing in the pm shows as text as follows : Your item <a href="">1</a> has not received any offers that meet the reserve you set.
  6. CharlieDelta

    Bug Add State Code - Fatal Error

    When trying to add a state code I get the following error; Fatal error: Call to undefined method Classifieds_DataManager_ISO_3166_2::verify_3166_1_iso() in /...../includes/class_dm.php on line 499 In my case, I am trying to add Canadian provinces. On a side note, when I try to "Manage Country...
  7. heyzeus909

    Bug Error After Submitting Listing

    I briefly get this error message after clicking 'Submit' when creating a new listing: Also, I'm unable to find any listings I create either via search or browse. If I copy the link after I create it, then I can paste that link into my browser later and view the listing. But if I, instead, go...
  8. heyzeus909

    Bug Error When Updating Address Info

    I received this error after updating my address info (after making a listing, if that makes any difference): Database error in vBulletin 4.2.0: Invalid SQL: UPDATE vb_user SET WHERE userid = 2; MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that...
  9. heyzeus909

    Bug Style Issues: Default Style vs. Mielo

    I made my first listing. In the default vBulletin style (yuck) it the listing looks fine; the text is quite readable. In the Mielo theme (yay) the text gets washed out in the listing's picture. See attached pics. I'm guessing that the blocks are using inherited styles in Mielo which are...
  10. heyzeus909

    Bug Adding Currency *NOT* Primary

    Hi, just getting a chance to dig in with this tonight for the first time. I'm still getting accustomed to things, so sorry if I'm doing something wrong on my end of things (or if this has been discussed elsewhere - I looked, but didn't see it). I'm able to add a currency as 'Primary' = 'yes'...
  11. M

    Bug Cancel Listing - nothing displayed after

    I canceled a listing which was fine it worked :) However it did not great me with some sort of message, IE your listing has been canceled redirecting you to your listings??? It just stays on a page with nothing? See the image below, that is the page I get after pressing the cancel button.
  12. M

    Bug Phrase Missing - redirect added postage thanks

    Hi, Found this following missing phrase when submitting a new postage through the user control panel. please see attached image.
  13. M

    Bug Images Not Updating - After Edit

    Hi, I added a new item but forgot to add an image, I used the edit listing function and added 3 images to the buy it now advert but when I click on the listings page. No matter how many times I edit or add images there is still nothing showing in the buy it now listings Please see attachment
  14. M

    Bug Design Issue - Item Alignment in Category

    As requested I have made a new post for this issue. Hi, I found that a smaller image made the alignment of the items out of sync If you see the attached image, you will notice that the top 4 items are aligned exactly, however the 5th item at the bottom is out of alignment to the other items.
  15. M

    Bug Design Issue - Width and Empty Space

    As Requested I have made a separate Post for this issue: Sorry this next design issue is just something that affects me as I have a very large monitor, but wondered if you could use a: width="whatever%" I am not sure but like to use all my screen, I can imagine on fixed skins it will...
  16. Mokonzi

    Question DragonByte Classifieds v1.0.0 (Closed) Beta 2 Testing Information

    For Beta 2, we've got a few more fixes and new features added in, with some issues still outstanding. Will be working on implementing more of these for Beta 3. In the Admin Control Panel the following areas are not completed: Manage Listings Manage Offers In the User Control Panel sections of...
  17. M

    Bug Phrase Missing - Invalid Listing

    I clicked to offer on my own item in a WANTED listing and I got the following error popup: See attached image:
  18. M

    Bug Wanted - Not updating on classifieds.php

    Wanted Bug: I have added 3 wanted items to my classifieds which are all displaying when I go into the category. However they are not being updated on the main classifieds.php page. I have attached a image so you can see:
  19. M

    Bug MySQL DB error

    Hello I am not sure if this is part of the issues you know that already exist but when I tried to put in my address in the user control area I got this Mysql Error. I cannot really do any testing of buying, wanted, etc as it wont let me proceed without the address...
  20. M

    Bug Style Design Issues

    This might just be a chrome issue or maybe I have not set something... Is this ok to post a separate thread for bugs, or do you want everything posted in the sticky thread? But I have a clean install with only the classifieds installed, no other products at all. When I first installed it I...