
  1. daddybird292

    New Product suggestion

    Hey DB-Tech = love your products! One suggestion for a future product: a super ranking/icon plugin. I'll do my best to explain. Maybe VB can already do this - but it sure isn't evident to me. If I could hand out ranks/groups/awards/buffs in unique ways that stack on one another. For example...
  2. Yannick Deslandes

    Legacy How to put avatar on the ranking page ?

    The ranking page only show members name, it's a shame not to put avatar just near the name. Is it difficult to do please ? Thanks
  3. K

    AddOn Action for "avatar selected" and "profile image selected"?

    Hallo, I'm using the lite version of VBCD II. Where can I find the action when a user has selected a avatar for the first time? I just found the option for selectiong a profile image. Regards Kesandal
  4. N

    Question Change Style of Thanks / Likes in Posts

    So here what it is atm: and here Photoshoped, what I would like it to be (so its more visible, that it belongs to that Post)
  5. B

    Bug Large Avatar = A lot of empty space

    Just got Profile Hover Pro and am quite pleased with it. I do however see one problem at present where the avatar creates quite a bit of empty space before the profile fields start. The forum URL links to a thread where you can see it happen. Hopefully it's not too difficult to fix to get rid...
  6. HiTeck Techkings

    Question Post thanks like appearing twice

    I am running your post thanks like mod and the post tab mod has it included in the set up. How do I remove the duplicate post thanks / likes in the postbit, I have removed everything else from the postbit legacy so it wont duplicate but I can not find what I need to take out.
  7. B

    Bug Adv Post Thanks / Like Pro Breaks CometChat Integration

    After installation of DBTech Advanced Post Thanks Like lite v1.1.2 or Advanced Post Thanks Like Pro v1.1.2 our CometChat 2.0.4 integreation fails to load avatar images. We can uninstall or disable the post thanks mod and the avatars load again which seems to indicate that something in the...
  8. R

    Bug Creates numerous vbulletin database errors when activated

    100's of errors are produced when this product is activated.. I have to uninstall it to stop the issues. I have done this twice. Once with initial release and once since your updates were completed. process All files uploaded and product installed. Everything okay Management tools - >...
  9. S

    Bug vbactivity-export Error

    Hello, Get this error when trying to upload the vbactivity-export.xml file? A required field called type is missing or has an invalid value. Also is it possible to have the bars etc under the Avatar rather than below post count, as i am not using the Legacy position .... :rolleyes: Does...
  10. FreshFroot

    Question Avatars

    I had a question about avatars? If you are able to store them as files. What happens when you delete a user or a user chooses a new avatar? Does the system then delete the user AND the avatar file, or (if changing an avatar) delete the old avatar and upload a new one?
  11. S

    Question Manually changing when it runs the cron?

    Hi, I would love to know what steps I need to take in order to change this to run every hour, I have edited the Scheduled Task in the ACP so that it should run every hour but it doesnt somehow. I checked the cron php file and noticed this part: options['dbtech_spotlight_min_days'] * 86400)...
  12. Freekoid

    Buying a larger avatar size in bytes

    Ok so a double question. I added an item to the shop so a user could upload an avatar at 2.6MB, I made the item available and changed the value to 5000000bytes or 5MB, the user then got a mysql error about packet size, I checked and my packet size is 1MB but my upload size is 8MB I have since...
  13. cloferba

    tabs on the posbit legacy?

    is a new mod? is a modification? on the posbit legacy i can see some tabs which you can change and see user information, thanks information, points information, etc i would like to add it to my site :D
  14. sportainment

    Any improvement on hooks yet?

    I was wondering if there had been improvement on the annoying hooks you guys use now where everything is just slapped into the postbit with no real way of customisation. I brought up about it months ago as when you have all of your mods installed it makes for very long postbits, and so for...
  15. S

    Uninstalling Product

    How do you uninstall the product as I tried and no one could login as I got the following error. I was able to get round it by adding "dbtech_vbactivity_points" back in. Invalid SQL: SELECT post.*, post.username AS postusername, post.ipaddress AS ip...
  16. O

    vBShop - Buy & Sell Custom Avatars?

    Could this be used to buy custom Avatars without a lot of additional modifications? What I want to do is let people use their vBActivity points to buy an avatar from a custom gallery of avatars. Out of the box...could vBShop do that? If not, what would it take in terms of time / difficulty to...
  17. David

    Beta 2 now available

    Hey, Just a quick update on vbDownloads! Beta 2 is now available to download in your member areas. This contains a number of bug fixes, the ability to specify your own downloads.php name, a number of style improvements and a few smaller improvements. This update also contains an importing...
  18. Alisa Lindsay

    Welcome Panel (Info Panels Pro) Not Showing All Data

    Good Day, I have a minor issue with the Info Panels Pro mod on two of my boards. I am the first to say it might be an installation issue or a setting I've missed although I, and my tech, have gone over everything and cannot find the problem. The Welcome Panel @ Mana4X2 (4.0.6) shows the...
  19. D

    Gifts to be Approve?

    Hey there, I would like to use this system with my vbactivity pro but before buying the pro version, I have some questions about it.. :) 1.Gifts: Lets suppose, I dont like to a gift description that admin wrote for and I want to add my comment on it..Is it possible? I dont like to take or...
  20. M

    Awards for things like uploading avatar, profile pic, making an album?

    Just wondering if it's possible to create rewards for a member that creates an avatar, profile pic, creates an album, etc.