
  1. Nulumia

    Is DbSEO coming to Xenforo 2?

    I did some searching around and couldn't find a mention about this, so sorry if I missed it. I would absolutely love something like DBTech vBSEO for Xenforo 2. Just wondering if this is in the works!
  2. Bastty

    eCommerce addon

    In future you guys will think to make an eCommerce addon for xF2?
  3. Bastty

    What`s the name of...

    ... this addon ... and if we can buy it for Xenforo 2
  4. T

    E-commerce addon

    just saw the early preview for this new addon on youtube what is the estimated release date for e-commerce ?
  5. G

    Invalid Category ID error when submitting support ticket

    Hi there, I tried submitting a support ticket (as follows) but when I did, I got an invalid category ID but I did try both Pre-Sales and a different category but got the error both times. Hopefully you don't mind that I have submitted this here. My question was:- Hello, I'm just upgrading my...
  6. O

    Bug Shoutbox distorted

    Hello, I have installed the addon for the first time, but the shoutbox is displayed incorrectly. Here a screen: It is the standard style of vBulletin, only the colors have been changed. I have no url, since I test it on an internal...
  7. V

    Possible update / fix for this addon?

    Hey there guys! I know this addon is a ghost town that was abandoned, mostly because of the license issues with including the cards. However, I think there are MANY people who would buy this just for the engine alone and make their own cards, as there are tons of fan made sites that help you...
  8. JesWhite

    Question vbseo_thread_url_row and another function

    hi .. i wrote you on but i cant take an answer. i'm using now dbseo from vbseo .. but i have a problem . i'm using an addon and this addon working fine with vbseo. but not working with dbseo. i chanced vbseo to dbseo etc.. there is only one problem.. i changed addon for all of...
  9. Xar

    Addon Plugin forvB Notification

    Hello there! Recently I've been using some notification system and I was thinking like "didn't had dragonbyte tech had one"? And there is one. However, the notifications here are pop ups at the bottom of the page. So what about an addon for this plugin, so notifications will come through a...
  10. 1quicksi

    Bug Outdated Products

    When updated the ACP section outdated products does not report that this addon has been updated.
  11. mikez006

    Question bitcoin?

    If I were to add a Bitcoin payment option to my site would members be able to buy credits using Bitcoin? Or would the Credit addon need to be updated also to work with Bitcoin?
  12. limits

    Question manual for this mod ?

    if there any manual for this hack?........ edit: ok, after a sleepless night i get it. not exactly wat i search bevore, but like all the new inspiration :)
  13. M

    Legacy Dynamic Meta Tags on SEO

    Hello, i have question. Is it possible, in SEO Addon Vbdownloads Dynamic Meta Tags Add ?
  14. M

    Purchased DBSEO

    Didn't recieve an email for confirmation so that i can download said addon
  15. D

    Question Professional install

    As I mentioned before, I need all the previous Vbseo likes to be merged with product. Also I can't see the like buttons at the threads and posts. Can you help with that?
  16. mikez006

    Bug Forums aren't listed

    When I click a tab it lists all the Forum Categories, but doesn't list any of the actual forums within the categories. My forum has 500+ forums, so I'm not sure if this is an issue with too many forums or not. Cat 1 Title - Post Count Cat 2 Title - Post Count Cat 3 Title - Post Count
  17. mikez006

    Legacy Sort/Clickable?

    Is there an option to make the extra fields clickable so they can be sorted? For example this thread title: [vB 4.2.x] [Under Consideration] Sort Questions [vB 4.2.x] is a prefix and I'm able to click and sort by that, however [Under Consideration] is not. Is that turned off here or does this...
  18. B

    DragonByte SEO - Professional Installation on Test Forum?

    Hello, I am in the process of purchasing DragonByte SEO and the Professional Installation addon. Does the professional installation include installation of DragonByte SEO on my test forum? Thank you.
  19. R

    Question Sitemap not build with 777

    I have chossen either /droot/sitemap and /droot/forum/sitemap, both set to the user this domain belongs to and both set to 777, but the script wont write my sitemap-files. Any idea what could be wrong?
  20. Drahnier

    Bug Buttons Not Working after Move - PHP Version Issue? (vB 4.2.2)

    This isn't really a bug, but was the best of the category options available. Sorry! I recently moved my site over to a new host and installed upgraded versions of all the server software. One of these upgrades was moving the PHP version from 5.3 to 5.5, which is not officially supported by vB...