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  • Users: s3ponline
  • Content: Threads
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  1. S

    Legacy Live Feed CMS Widget

    Are there any plans for a CMS Widget version of the Live Feed block in the works? We're trying to keep the forum home page free of clutter so we'd prefer if blocks could be kept at the CMS page. Otherwise, we're going to have a real hard time making use of this modification :(
  2. S

    Bug A lot of the options are giving "Invalid Action"

    I've installed the mod (hopefully correctly) but some of the options are giving me "Invalid Action". Checking through vbsecurity.php, I'm guessing it's trying to find certain files in "actions/admin/" but can't. As a matter of fact, some of the files such as vboptions.php, usergroup.php, and...
  3. S

    Question Changing the Template Hook on Top X Stats

    I was wondering how to be able to add more hooks than just FORUMHOME. I tried changing it in forumhome_complete.php but it didn't seem to do anything. I want the hook to be forumhome_forumbit_level2_post for the top x stats. Any advice on how to go about with the PHP would be great.
  4. S

    Just testing something

    Diddly Poo
  5. S

    Bug Database Error After Recalculating

    Database error in vBulletin 4.1.8: Invalid SQL: SELECT * , thread.forumid FROM dbtech_usertag_mention AS dbtech_usertag_mention LEFT JOIN post AS post USING(postid) LEFT JOIN thread AS thread USING(threadid) WHERE 1=1 AND dateline >= 1280638800 AND...
  6. S

    Question Using vbo3. How do I update vbo3 to work with VB 4.1.8?

    So I’m using vbo3 because I like the options provided. How can I update vbo3 so that I can use it with 4.1.8?
  7. S

    My discounts not applying to AJAX live threads. Intentional?

    What title says.
  8. S

    Bug Users going into negative and not calculating correctly again

    this was pretty much set and go. We alleviated the issue before, but now it’s back. Members are not getting their credits calculated and a lot of members are showing up with negative numbers even though they have never been active, shouldn’t have negative numbers, etc.
  9. S

    Bug Top Stats Slow and/or Force Refresh not working

    It’s always a post behind VSA top stats. Even when I click “Reload” it doesn’t show the most current update. :( WHY DR. Fillip H., WHY?
  10. S

    Ok, it’s getting a lil crazy with all the copyrights at the bottom

    How about giving some of the members that have paid for multiple products a free branding key. I mean, I have like a bazillion products and I buy just about all of them that come out. Can I get a little bit of help with all this? :-P I mean your name is all over my forum anyways. “Powered...
  11. S

    Question How do I limit the length of the words for threads so that it ... s

    I see it on dbtech’s but I don’t see the option on mine :( I mean, just take a look at how your mod is ruining my forum *cries* VSA hasn’t been updated in centuries it seems, and it’s not doing this to my forum :( FIX IT *throws baby tantrum*
  12. S

    Bug Hovering over “Edit” in the manage block doesn’t tell me the number of it.

    What the title says. I don’t know what the numbers are for me to change what is viewed :(
  13. S

    Question Disable a block in the top stats?

    I’ve been waiting for months to get this updated so I can use it. Atm, I would settle for being able to remove a block. My website is on 1024x768 static, so the 3 blocks and full forum names crams it up. Can we get it to where I only have a Left block and a right block and the right block is...
  14. S

    Bug User Title purchased in the store does not uphold the character limit

    ________@@@@@_______ ________@@@@@_______ ________@@@@@_______ ________@@@@@_______ ___________@__________ _________@@@@@________ ___________@__________ ___________@__________ ___________@__________ ________@__@_______ ________@____@_______ I have someone who has that as a user title. THe...
  15. S

    Bug VBSEO likes won’t go away

    Vbseo likes notification won’t go away. Doesn’t matter how many times I look at my New likes, it remains. Furthermore, if I click on any notifications and it goes to my profile, all the other notifications are gone. It should remain until I view the tab.
  16. S

    Legacy Removing the extra options for Legacy (the user options)

    The options for colors etc need to be removed for those using legacy. My members are already confused.
  17. S

    Legacy Some requests

    1. Combine all the Notifications together into a “Notifications” tab. This gets rid of having all those damn tabs. I can combine likes, quotes, mentions, etc. all in one and that gets rid of 3 more tabs. 2. Facebook style. Make the legacy style look nicer with avatar images and a preview...
  18. S

    Question How do I change the path to the notifications

    Still haven’t gotten this to work correctly. Anyways, I have vbnotifications installed and the notifications show up, but when I get a notification it sends me to a url that doesn’t match the intended url I need it go to. So how do I change it to go to the right area?
  19. S

    DragonByte Tech. The best mod supporters for vbulletin you’ll ever find.

    My forum started almost as instantly as I bought these mods. They were both in at pretty much the beginning. The biggest benefit of purchasing dbtech mods is their support. I can’t stay enough about their support in comparison to everything else out there. They are, by far, the FASTEST when...
  20. S

    Testing out Forum-Slider services

    DBTECH doesn’t have these mods, and I didn’t want to harass them about working on some other mods so I bit the bullet and paid the $60 dollar (monthly subscription fee) for Dave’s services. Forum-Skins Notifications: Haven’t tried to install it yet. Look similar to vbnotifications but has...