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  1. 1quicksi

    Bug DB Error

    We are running on MariaDB 10.5.23 I would never convert to Xenforo as the migration would be many thousands of dollars. If we were going to migrate (still incredibly expensive) it would be to a platform that is at least more Intune with what my site accomplishes. 😎
  2. 1quicksi

    Bug DB Error

    ...FROM user WHERE username REGEXP '^(&[\#\da-z];|[^a-z\d])*D(ą|[aАБВГДЕабвгде])rr(ę|[eИЙКЛийкл])(ń|[nСс])Y[oТУФХЦШтуфхцш]([uЩЪЫЬщъыьµ]|u|Ж|ж)(ń|[nСс])(&[\#\da-z];|[^a-z\d])*$'...
  3. 1quicksi

    Question DBSEO Removal

    I can disable DBSEO within its own control panel. However, if I disable it through the vBulletin Manage Products and or try to remove it I am faced with an error. Any suggestions on why and how to remove your product?
  4. 1quicksi

    Question Adding Donation Bar to other areas

    Is there a way to add/display the Donation Bar in other sections of the site? For example, I would like to add it to the "Site is Closed" page as well as some other currently unsupported pages.
  5. 1quicksi

    Question Forum creating "Too Many Redirects"

    It is weird as in Chrome it works fine. In Edge I get the error message...
  6. 1quicksi

    Question Forum creating "Too Many Redirects"

    I understand that the forum's creation for some reason allowed special characters and they are disallowed (will need to sanitize the submissions system) by Google (I believe) However it looks like DBSeo gets stuck in some sort of redirect loop for some reason instead of pushing back to a 404...
  7. 1quicksi


    Thank you, I have added a product to my cart.
  8. 1quicksi


    I thought there was a sale going on until 12/31/2020? I missed the Cyber one unfortunately...
  9. 1quicksi

    Question Missing adlocation_blogsidebar_start Text

    The phrase is there. It shows in the ACP side correctly. But the user side is just a blank yellow box.
  10. 1quicksi

    Bug DB Error

    Well, I have not "shopped" it out as the porting of my site would be insanely expensive. Seeing as my site does what no other vBulletin site in the world does, the changing of any URL structure and how it is accessed is not possible.
  11. 1quicksi

    Bug DB Error

    The migration of my site to Xenforo would be cost prohibited (well into the 5 digit realm). While I have not shopped a replacement because of the above I feel that Xenforo was all the hype when it first came out, and now it's overall development has slowed and really is starting to fall short...
  12. 1quicksi

    Bug DB Error

    ...SELECT userid FROM user WHERE username REGEXP...
  13. 1quicksi

    Bug WebMaster Report Error

    I authenticated my account to Google but when I try to access the information I get a series of errors. I am thunking maybe the API call has changed? Error calling GET
  14. 1quicksi

    Question DragonByte Tech: GDPR Compliance

    Ok, found it. Your reply lead me to look under the "Users" and there are 2 options for it. Thank you for leading me to the yellow brick road :)
  15. 1quicksi

    Question DragonByte Tech: GDPR Compliance

    I've looked there and do not see anything... I'll uninstall/re-install and try that...
  16. 1quicksi

    Question DragonByte Tech: GDPR Compliance

    Sorry, I did not see a support option for this.I tried to choose one that was at least close... Installed but for the life of me I can not find the configuration options. Where did you hide them? lol...
  17. 1quicksi

    Bug Deprecated breadcrumbs

    You sort of lost me on the NAVBAR possible edit as it is above my paygrade... <div id="navbar" class="navbar"> <ul id="navtabs" class="navtabs floatcontainer<vb:if condition="$show['member'] AND $notifications_total"> notify</vb:if>"> {vb:raw template_hook.navtab_start}...
  18. 1quicksi

    Question Switching from vbSEO to DBSEO with vBulletin and WordPress installed Side by Side

    Martin, vbseo is EXTREMELY unsecure and has been the reason for many vBulletin sites to get hacked. This has been known for years. I would consider yourself VERY lucky. I HIGHLY suggest you remove ALL vbseo files from your server as just disabling it is not enough and will not protect you...
  19. 1quicksi

    PHP Support

    Are there any plans for updating your vBulletin addons to support PHP beyond 7.1? Preferably looking forward to PHP 7.4
  20. 1quicksi

    Question Site map Fails

    Looks like things are working. You can close this... Thank you for the assist :)