Recent content by Alisa Lindsay

  1. Alisa Lindsay

    DBTech vBulletin and XenForo

    Hey all! I'm glad I found this thread. I am one of the ones bailing on vB - just not fast. I have four licenses and as I can, they are being switched to Xenforo. I've started work on my first board as of today. I understand your previous post and as an ongoing vB customer appreciate it... I...
  2. Alisa Lindsay

    Welcome Panel (Info Panels Pro) Not Showing All Data

    I don't recall customizing any of the templates beyond using the Branding Free directions. And at the two afflicted boards, I bought Pro right off for them, did not upgrade (to the best of my recollection). Thanks, Alisa
  3. Alisa Lindsay

    Welcome Panel (Info Panels Pro) Not Showing All Data

    Good Day, I have a minor issue with the Info Panels Pro mod on two of my boards. I am the first to say it might be an installation issue or a setting I've missed although I, and my tech, have gone over everything and cannot find the problem. The Welcome Panel @ Mana4X2 (4.0.6) shows the...
  4. Alisa Lindsay

    Text Area Input Form Color vs. Post Form Input Area Color - Help Me Please!

    THANK YOU! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!
  5. Alisa Lindsay

    Text Area Input Form Color vs. Post Form Input Area Color - Help Me Please!

    Hello? I officially surrender. I have tried editing "background-color" in numerous places in the vbshout .css. I cannot get the shout area text input section's background to change. Please, pretty please, help. Warmest Regards Alisa
  6. Alisa Lindsay

    Text Area Input Form Color vs. Post Form Input Area Color - Help Me Please!

    Okay...just remember *chuckles*, YOU asked.... To do that, you'll need to change the relevant part of dbtech_vbshout.css - Since you know the stylevar, it should be easy to find where I mean :) Surely you jest. I can barely find my way around a telephone pole to the other side! ROFLMAOKTC...
  7. Alisa Lindsay

    Text Area Input Form Color vs. Post Form Input Area Color - Help Me Please!

    Good Morning, I have searched and tried to fix my issue via some of the information found in threads on this forum... However - Yes, it's me, the Technical Village Idiot! Back with questions or to beg for help. I have vBShout Pro installed on 3 forums (bought 2, the 3rd was given to me as a...
  8. Alisa Lindsay

    Unhandled Reports Tab

    You're amazing! Thanks so much!
  9. Alisa Lindsay

    Unhandled Reports Tab

    I've not customized anything... *laughs*... All this template stuff still terrifies me. And I'll upgrade you momentarily. And done!
  10. Alisa Lindsay

    Unhandled Reports Tab

    The forum is Babylon 5: The Minerva Chronicles. I'll turn the reports back on. Let me know if you need a sign on...although registration is open.
  11. Alisa Lindsay

    Unhandled Reports Tab

    I had no doubts that you would get to it as soon as you could! It's just cosmetic as far as I can tell and we can live with that until you've time to look into it. Thanks for the update! Warmest Regards, Alisa
  12. Alisa Lindsay

    Unhandled Reports Tab

    Okay... I will e-mal both the page source and the skin files. :)
  13. Alisa Lindsay

    Unhandled Reports Tab

    Ok...detached the shout and did a view page source. Doing a find did not locate the word additional anywhere... or additional CSS or additional css. I was going to get the code to you but it's huge and I'd have to do several posts. Let me know if there's a better way. Regards Alisa
  14. Alisa Lindsay

    Unhandled Reports Tab

    I'll give it a shot and actually, while I paid a tad for it and by the license agreement would ask that you destroy the files after, I'd be glad to let you look at it. It wasn't many $$$ at all considering.
  15. Alisa Lindsay

    Unhandled Reports Tab

    You're most welcome! I appreciate the help as I don't want to give up either the style or the shoutbox. *grins*