Bug Rediculous Queries when viewing threads

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The Shop addon is making huge amounts of queries when viewing threads and it's slowing down my site. It's doing updates for people with an empty serialized string and selecting large amounts of data.

Can this be fixed please?

Oh sorry, I didn't realise this was the XenForo version, my bad. Nobody's reported this issue for XF since the previous version (4.3.1 I think it was) where I made improvements to this to eliminate nearly all queries from showthread, but we had plenty of reports from people with that setting turned on in vB.

Unfortunately I won't have time to look into this further for Beta 2 since that's in testing just now and I don't want to risk changing anything else that may break the postbit. I will definitely look into it for Beta 3 and beyond though, I can't promise exactly when I can investigate it but it will get done :)
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DragonByte Shop

XenForo 1.5.3+ XenForo 2.0.x XenForo 2.1.x XenForo 2.2.x
DragonByte Technologies
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