XF1 -> XF2 Upgrade Planning. Shop + Credits Questions



I'm trying to plan ahead with upgrading XF1 to XF2, and with that, I have a few questions about DBTech plugin upgrades and pairings.

Which versions of Shop and Credits play together nicely on XF2? And is it is possible to use those versions to upgrade from XF1 versions?
Right meow, the XF1 versions of DB Credits and DB Shop are not being updated, as I'm focusing on XF2 going forward. The new Resource Guidelines have made it no longer feasible to keep both of them updated simultaneously.

If you are interested in running both DB Shop and DB Credits, you have to run v5.0.x of DB Credits and v6.0.x of DB Shop. The new v5.1 version of DB Credits does not work with DB Shop v6.0, and attempting to do so will likely crash the site until you disable Shop.

When Shop v6.1 is finished (which will be some time, as Shop is the biggest legacy XF2 addon we have), they will work together correctly.

Upgrades from XF1 are supported, just don't uninstall the mod before upgrading to XF2, then upload the XF2 version and it should offer to upgrade from a legacy XF1 mod :)
hip hip hooray!!

im planning on running both the credits add-on and shop together,

both add-ons should always work together because they are meant to be together, like a couple

i want to sell credits products to my users from the credits shop

5.1.0rc3 credits & 6.0.4 shop

please make shop work with media gallery!!
