vB Optimise Public Statistics


Former Developer
Hey everyone,

We'd like to share with you some numbers, specifically numbers of queries that are being reduced everyday thanks to vB Optimise.

You can view the chart here to get a look at what's going in the background with vB Optimise :)

We'd like to thank PinStack.com for allowing us to use their data and show it off to you guys, if any other Big Board owner wants to get there site on there feel free to contact us.
you might want to explain a little about what the graph shows and what each figure means for those who don't know what vBo does. the lower the lines on the graph the better it is? or the higher the lines the better it is? ya need an idiots guide to this as well as a BTW :)
If you hover over the data you'll get verbose detail, and any forum owner knows less MySQL queries used the better. Just to be clear, the chart illustrates how many MySQL queries vB Optimise saves them - so PinStack.com got 1.7 million queries saved yesterday.
that explains it better for those who do not know what it does. i was gunna explain but i thought it might be better if you did it since you know what your on with XD.
Well I've added a little bit of text to tell users to hover over data to see what it is exactly, hopefully stop any confusion :)