Legacy Tag Function

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Hello Fillip,

we have a Big Board with over 8 Mio Posts, therefore please add the following functions to the automatic Tag Generating Function for old Posts:

- make the Forum selectable
- make the Thread Creation Date from to selectable
- use the Meta Keywords Function with Priority as the preferred Words for Tags on new and old Posts Tag Generating

Thank you!

Kindly regards
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Update: I will implement an "excluded forums" setting for the Thread Tagging portion of the content tagging system, which will apply to new threads as well as the recalculation functionality.

Additionally, I'll implement a "start date" for the recalculation functionality.

This update will be released tonight :)
Please also add an "End Date" and a Forum selection!

We have 8 Million Post and 300k Threads, the Scripts Run endless without this Option to select.
Forum selection is implemented in the vBOptions. You can reduce the number of threads per page to avoid script execution timeout errors.
I mean a seperate Forum Selection for the Automatic Tag Generation to reduce the Script Runtime on our Big Board.

And please add a End Date, we need it!
There is no need to reduce runtime on that page, as it will loop through all pages with a JS redirect. The script won't time out as a result :)
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