Bug SQL Error Too Many Connections

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Hi Support,

Suddenly for no apparent reason I get this error message on my site at the front page, so my site is down.

You have all cp/ftp login credentials from another ticket resolved yesterday.

I need your immediate help please.


Warning: mysql_connect(): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2) in /home1/admin80/public_html/dbtech/dbseo/includes/class_db.php on line 205

Database error in vBulletin 2.0.22:

Too many connections

MySQL Error :
Error Number :
Request Date : Thursday, December 3rd 2015 @ 11:54:43 AM
Error Date : Thursday, December 3rd 2015 @ 11:54:43 AM
Script : vBulletin Database Error
Referrer :
IP Address :
Username : N/A
Classname : DBSEO_Database
MySQL Version :

This is actually not a bug, but a result of your server not being set up with enough allowed MySQL connections. Can you please either edit yourself, or get your host to edit, the my.cnf file for your MySQL server and double the current amount of maximum allowed connections?

DBSEO by its very nature needs to open a separate MySQL connection, which means if you have a very active forum, you will need twice the amount of allowed connections.

As this is a server-side configuration issue, unfortunately it's not something I will be able to resolve for you :(

Sorry I couldn't be of more help :(
Hi Fillip H.,

Would the fact that my forum is not yet live make a difference in your assessment? I'm the only one who connects to the forum while preparing it for launch. How many connections allowed are we looking at roughly to put a number out there? Thank you.
I've just checked our current database configuration via
SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'max_connections';
and our server is set to 800 which appears to work for us.

Can you double-check the setting on your server? You'll most likely need to run that query via the shell, as I'm not sure if the query manager in vBulletin will allow it, though you could try :)
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