Implemented Selling limited-stock digital keys

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New member
Im looking to buy, and I was wondering let's say I have a file I wanna sell like a key codes all different is there a way I can sell files and have a quantity of files left. I just don't wanna let a person buy the same key file after someone already bought it.

let's say
I post 5 keys for sale (files) and someone buys 1 key, then it would now shows 4 are left to purchase.

is that something you offer with this addon.
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At the moment, the mod doesn’t directly support selling limited-stock digital keys unfortunately :(

We’ve had a couple requests for this in the past, so I’ll change this ticket to a feature request so it can be looked at for future versions.

I can’t provide an ETA as I’m currently preparing for the XF 2.1 upgrade.
Thanks Fillip, Ill gladly purchase when it could support limited-stock digital keys/files.
Would love to see it happen in the near future :)

Thanks again. Talk soon.
Thank you for suggesting this feature, it has now been implemented. We are aiming to include any changes that have been made in a future release (v3.0.0).

Change log:
Feature: New product type: Serial Key
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