Product: Services



I read about the product Services and have some questions.

Is it possible to set a length for services? I would like the service to expire after some time. Also, when purchased, a user is added to a user group and when expired it is removed from that user group. With services, I would just like to add access to some parts of the forum.

Due to my specific situation, is it possible to assign different payment methods to a different product?

Thank you.
Is it possible to set a length for services? I would like the service to expire after some time. Also, when purchased, a user is added to a user group and when expired it is removed from that user group. With services, I would just like to add access to some parts of the forum.
No. Services are intended to be used as a "the buyer commissions the team to perform a service".

Due to my specific situation, is it possible to assign different payment methods to a different product?
No. eCommerce is not a Classifieds platform, and having different payment methods for different products would make the "Cart" feature impossible.