Question Pro installation ETA?

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Just checking in quickly - what's the usual turnaround time on a pro-install service?

We aim to complete it within 24 hours.

If purchased between 2 PM and 7 PM GMT (UK time), it's usually handled more or less instantly.
If purchased between 7 PM and 1 AM GMT, it may be handled that evening depending on work load.
If purchased after 1 AM GMT, it's handled at (or soon after) 2 PM GMT the next day.

Less formal response: If I come home at 1 AM or after that, I may just be too exhausted to actually sort it out, especially considering IF something against all odds goes wrong, it could be several hours worth of work to resolve it, which I don't particularly feel like doing when I'm supposed to be getting ready for bed :p
OK, no rush. I was just curious because the client area says the pro-install expires on September 26. Just wanted to be sure it was supposed to say that! If it takes a couple of days, that's no problem!
That's just because it's not a licence in the same sense that the main product is, it's just a way for me to get alerted to a new purchase, basically :p

I'm having to manually run installation queries on your server via SSH just now, as your post table is a bit too large for the product to install normally.
Ah, I guessed you might be up to something when I saw nobody had posted on my boards in an hour!
I'd recommend closing the forums, since there's a pretty huge backlog of post table related processes which can cause confusion and desync issues in vB. Is it okay if I do that just now? I'll aim to complete this as quickly as possible, though it seems to take an extraordinarily long time to copy to tmp table when running the alters, even via SSH.
I'd recommend closing the forums, since there's a pretty huge backlog of post table related processes which can cause confusion and desync issues in vB. Is it okay if I do that just now? I'll aim to complete this as quickly as possible, though it seems to take an extraordinarily long time to copy to tmp table when running the alters, even via SSH.

I closed them two hours ago when I realised you'd started work!
Oh okay, fair enough then :p

How big is this post table anyway, it should not take several hours to run 1 single alter - especially considering there's 3 more to go...
Haven't the foggiest! Big, I guess! Dunno why that might be - there are plenty of much bigger boards out there.
6m posts - is this server actually a potato? Or are you running out of disk space? There must be some reason why this is taking several hours, I've never had this kind of thing happen before.
Not that I know if. The only thing that's happened recently is that Shellshock thing, which I think we patched against yesterday.
Yes, I understood the metaphor. It's starting to age a little, but should be up to the job. Probably due an upgrade in the next year or so.
Well, it's up to you how long you want the server to attempt this installation - currently it's been attempting to run the query for over 3.5 hours, and it's still trying to copy data to temporary table. Clearly something is wrong - I've checked your disk space usage and you are not running out of disk space by any stretch of the imagination, so I'm at a loss.
I don't believe so, I killed a few of the queries vB was attempting to run when I attempted a product import.

Here's what I'll do, I'll modify the installer and the product so it doesn't utilise the post table columns, that way you can still use the product :)

You won't be able to use the "Require Thanks to see Content" and "Require Thanks to see Attachments" features, though.
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Alrighty, you can now set the permissions per-button in the AdminCP, which you'll need to do in order for people to be able to click buttons.

Let me know if you run into any problems :)
Nah it was no problem :)

I don't like leaving customers' sites in a non-working state for quite that long, so I'm rather sad that didn't pan out, but what can you do :p
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