Personal Theme Songs!

Diana Notacat

If you watch a lot of TV and movies you notice that when a character shows up, you always hear a certain piece of music to go with them. Over my ancient lifespan, I too have had Theme Songs for moments. Be they reflecting me as a person, or just moments of my life.

So share with us YOUR personal theme songs! What songs do you think reflect you or major events in your life?
hmmm thats a toughie, i'd probably have 2, first one would be the boss theme from final fantasy 8 whenever i'm in a bad mood or in a fight with someone or something. my other theme would be Benny hills theme because i'm funny and i make people laugh with my humor and laid back attitude (also because i'm sometimes prone to clumsyness).
Probably Knights of Cydonia. Usually when I'm about to tackle a difficult test or homework assignment. Ayup...