Not planned Minify HTML

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Hello Nirjonadda,

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I know how to minify HTML, it doesn't mean there's any benefit to doing so :)

Are you able to demonstrate a scientifically significant speed increase from minifying HTML? I would be very interested in seeing your data.
Update: I've looked through the support thread for that mod, and it seems like minifying HTML has some potentially very serious issues (BBCode can break, UI.X styles might not work with minified HTML).

Since I have still not seen any data showing that you save a statistically significant amount of loading time vs. the additional time-to-first-byte such a mod would cause, I'll close this request.

If you have any data that shows there is a statistically significant gain to implementing this functionality, feel free to re-open it :)
Update: I've looked through the support thread for that mod, and it seems like minifying HTML has some potentially very serious issues (BBCode can break, UI.X styles might not work with minified HTML).

Since I have still not seen any data showing that you save a statistically significant amount of loading time vs. the additional time-to-first-byte such a mod would cause, I'll close this request.

If you have any data that shows there is a statistically significant gain to implementing this functionality, feel free to re-open it :)

You can check out via Google PageSpeed Insights.

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In your screenshots I see no comparison of load times with Minify HTML on and off. Can you please either point out where in your screenshot this information can be found, or provide this information through alternate means?

To put it bluntly: I don't care about page size, I care about "Time to first byte" (e.g. PHP/MySQL rendering time) and overall page load time from start to finish.
Hello Nirjonadda,

This ticket has now been closed with the status Declined.

We hope your issue or question has been addressed to your satisfaction. If not, please feel free to re-open it by clicking this link.

If you have any further issues or questions, please feel free to start a new support ticket via the button at the top of every page.

Thank you!
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