Legacy Links added as a Tag or Keyword= ANNOYING!!!

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Whenever a post (containing a link) is shared in the forums these fields in

phpMyAdmin>mydatabase> thread>


Automatically add the URL to the keywords ( also the taglist as well). How do I prevent urls from being saved in these fields?

Is their a stopword that can be used??

I tried using http:// & https:// - but that didn't seem to fix it.
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At this time, that is working as intended. I'll change this thread to a Feature Request so that we can look at providing an option for changing this behaviour in the future, as I recognise you are frustrated and would like to keep your tag list "clean".

Please do be aware that once I do that, I will no longer see this thread in our ticket system (it isn't considered a support ticket when it's flagged as a Feature Request) so I will not necessarily see your responses in a timely manner.

Sorry for the inconvenience :(
ok thank you, I will disable dbseo keywords and tagging & add them manually then to avoid the massive spam and bloat.

I just spent the last 6 hours cleaning massive amounts of spam out of the database removing these.
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For future reference, you can use the "Manage Content Tags" setting to reset all content tags and use a third party auto-tagger tool to re-generate content tags instead of having to do it manually, should such an issue arise in the future :)
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