install DragonByte eCommerce on multi sub

Our licenses follow the same rules as XenForo; if the sub-domains are all pointing to the exact same content then you only need one license.

If the sub-domains point to different content (i.e. they look like entirely different sites, even if they are running off the same database) then you need one license per sub-domain.
the add-on will install on this sub-domain for exempal :
of course the subdomains have different database but the main domain is the same
Sorry I'm not sure I understand.

If you have multiple different XenForo instances in multiple sub-domains, then you need multiple licenses of XenForo (one per sub-domain) and multiple licenses of eCommerce (one per sub-domain).

If you are running multiple copies of XenForo with only a single XenForo license, then you are in violation of XenForo's license agreements.
If you have multiple languages installed and you translate the phrases individually in both languages, then the language of the add-on will also change when the user changes language.