Not planned Increase execution order on navigation cart links

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The template modification order for inserting the Cart icon into the visitor tabs is currently at 1.

I'm proposing (unless there's a hard reason obviously) increasing to say, 5-10 so other addons which manipulate or add other visitor link locations can receive the icon. This way, your template modification would catch those new locations.
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Hello @Nulumia,

Thank you for your suggestion for DragonByte eCommerce. Your request will be reviewed by a member of our team shortly.

Unless there are any problems preventing these features from being added to the product, this thread will not receive another reply until it is time to review logged feature requests for implementation.

We appreciate you taking the time to help us improve our products!

- DragonByte Tech Staff
I don't recall specifically why it was set to 1, but there would have been a reason. Either the reason was to ensure this runs before any other modifications that changes the way the link works (e.g. adds new classes making it impossible to capture) or there was a specific compatibility issue.

Other add-ons should be looking to re-use the XF default nav rather than rolling a completely new one themselves.
Thanks for clarifying, just to verify though I was referring to the visitor tabs (element: .p-nav-opposite) where the cart icon is inserted next to Alerts, Search.

"Add "Checkout" link"

#(<a href="{{ link\('account/alerts'\) }}"\s+class="[\w\-\s]+p-navgroup-link--alerts.*</div>.+)(</xf:if>)#siU

$1 <xf:include template="dbtech_ecommerce_navbar_checkout" /> $2
There's a few addons out there (including some I'm working on) that place visitor tabs in other locations. If the order can't exceed 1, perhaps there's a way to conditionally replicate your modification in another addon, or using advanced regex?
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