Forum Live Feed & User Wall v1.2.1 (Beta) - Now With More vB3!

Fillip H.

Staff member
Hey all,

Due to popular demand, we have decided to release Live Wall for vBulletin 3.8.x!

In addition, a couple very small features have been added to hopefully address some Sidebar issues you guys are having.

The mod is still flagged as "Beta" due to the fact that vBulletin 3.8.x version has obviously not been tested in the field.

Forum Live Feed & User Wall v1.2.1 (Beta):
Feature: Now available in a new flavour: vBulletin 3.8.x!
Feature: Parsing of tags can now be turned off on the main feed as well as the sidebar
[B]Fix:[/B] (vB4) Introduced a new CSS class in dbtech_livewall.css that should ensure videos / images are properly constrained within the sidebar
[B]Change:[/B] Removed [I]dbtech_livewall_comments_inline[/I] template as it was identical to the [I]dbtech_livewall_comments[/I] template

We look forward to your feedback, and as always thank you for your support :)

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