Forum Live Feed & User Wall v1.1.0 (Beta)

Fillip H.

Staff member
Hey all,

Hot on the heels of our successful v1.0.0 launch (minimal bugs reported, w00t!) we are proud to present the first major update for the mod: v1.1.0 (Beta).

This version focuses on adding major features as well as touching up some existing features, and is available for both Lite and Pro customers.

Forum Live Feed & User Wall v1.1.0 (Beta):
Feature: Forum Sidebar block type, showing a "lite" stream.
Feature: Status Updates - From within the main Live Feed, it is now possible to post a status update that will show in the feed
Feature: New Content Type - vBLive Status Updates
Feature: New Content Type - vBArcade Scores
Feature: It is now possible to show status updates from the vBLive mod
Feature: (Pro) Comments System - The main live feed and forum sidebar blocks will show comment count, clicking on them will enable users to post comments. New comments are fetched via AJAX, similar to the main feed.
Change: Smilies now parse properly in the feeds
Change: Better handling of guests having performed actions

Thank you for your continued support :)

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