Legacy Feedback on vbSuperPMs

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Fred Weiss

The reason we purchased vbSuper PMs was so images could be uploaded to a PM. That works fine so we're happy. What has become a problem is the lack of a thought through was of handling notifications ... or at least your descriptions in the controls provided. We've had several complaints, particularly email notification of being quoted although notifications by PM were still wanted. Apparently turning off the email notification will turn off all email notifications of PMs.

On another note, have you considered alphabetizing your product drop down menu list in this form? Having to read every entry to find the appropriate one is irritating.
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I'm not sure I fully understand what you are reporting. Are you saying that if someone turns off a quote notification setting in the UserCP somewhere, they no longer receive PM notifications of being quoted? Can you please point me to the exact location of this setting, as I am not the original developer of this modification so I'm a bit unsure what exactly you're referring to.
Hello Fred Weiss,

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