Bug Errors

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I receive this error when visiting "today's posts" page.

Warning: Illegal string offset 'parentid' in .../packages/dbtechthanks/api/thanks/button.php on line 186 Warning: Illegal string offset 'parentid' in .../packages/dbtechthanks/api/thanks/button.php on line 186 Warning: Illegal string offset 'parentid' in .../packages/dbtechthanks/api/thanks/button.php on line 186 Warning: Illegal string offset 'parentid' in .../packages/dbtechthanks/api/thanks/button.php on line 186 Warning: Illegal string offset 'parentid' in .../packages/dbtechthanks/api/thanks/button.php on line 186 Warning: Illegal string offset 'parentid' in .../packages/dbtechthanks/api/thanks/button.php on line 186 Warning: Illegal string offset 'parentid' in .../packages/dbtechthanks/api/thanks/button.php on line 186 Warning: Illegal string offset 'parentid' in .../packages/dbtechthanks/api/thanks/button.php on line 186 Warning: Illegal string offset 'parentid' in .../packages/dbtechthanks/api/thanks/button.php on line 186

And this is the error I receive when a button is hit on any page:

Warning: Illegal string offset 'parentid' in .../packages/dbtechthanks/api/thanks/button.php on line 186
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I'll look into it locally and get back to you when I have more information or if I need assistance in replicating it :)
Update: I can't replicate this locally or @ your site, do I need to do anything special to replicate it?

I visited /search?searchJSON={"date":{"from":"1"},"type":["vBForum_Gallery","vBForum_Link","vBForum_Photo","vBForum_Poll","vBForum_Text","vBForum_Video"],"sort":{"relevance":"desc"},"view":"","exclude_type":["vBForum_PrivateMessage"]} on your site.
Update #2: Ah, I didn't notice the mod was turned off @ your site. I couldn't replicate this locally as you include more content types than vB default.

I corrected it @ your site :)
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Yes, after the fix tonight. The thanks can be found on pages 1-4 in the example threads provided, but pages 5-10 they don't appear.
If that's the case, then prior to the fix those pages must have displayed the same PHP error as the Today's Posts link on your site. Is this true?
I didn't test that thoroughly Fillip H.. After installing the thanks product and having seen errors I disabled it until your support. I also notice that in the settings the (Pro) Disable Button Text doesn't work. I tried to use this feature just a moment ago and it hadn't resulted in anything.
Okay, I believe this should be fixed for super realsies this time. I think originally, the result set of the function I used to grab a thread's parent forum was an array (this was incorrect behaviour from what I can tell), and they have now fixed the function in a recent version of vB5.

I've updated the code to check whether it's being given the old result type or the new, so hopefully this fixes it for good :)
Hi Fillip H.,

We are almost there! Two errors, one when visiting my notification preference page or any profile preference pages. At the top is the following error:

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in .../packages/dbtechthanks/api/thanks/settings.php on line 38

That's on this page: User Settings -

I don't think you saw my previous to your last post. The (Pro) Disable Button Text doesn't work in settings. Setting it disable the button text results in nothing.

Lastly, I just wanted to say it is awesome that Dragonbyte is bringing its products up to speed for VB5. I feel like a kid in a candy store shopping for new purchases.

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Hmm, I don't see that error message even though I'm logged in. I added a blind fix for it though, hopefully that'll work.

I resolved the text issue @ your site as well :)
You fixed them both Fillip H.. I do have one more issue and a question for you. The "Search" menu option in admincp brings an invalid page error.

Lastly, can you tell me how to change the profile settings tab title? Here's a screen shot of the tab I wish to change:

The "Search" menu option in admincp brings an invalid page error.
Are you talking about /admincp/thanks.php?do=search&? I can't replicate that @ your site just now.

Lastly, can you tell me how to change the profile settings tab title? Here's a screen shot of the tab I wish to change
You'll need to edit the template dbtech_thanks_settings_tab and modify this bit:
{vb:set tabPhrase, {vb:phrase dbtech_thanks}}
{vb:strcat tabPhrase, ' - '}
{vb:strcat tabPhrase, {vb:phrase dbtech_thanks_settings}}

F.ex. you could change it to
{vb:set tabPhrase, 'Thanks / Like Settings'}
Thank you! Fillip H..

Everything appears to be functional. I want to thank you for your support. Your customer care has added value to the product. I will definitely give good reviews, should the circumstance arise, about not only Db products but also your customer support.

Enjoy, and please close this ticket...
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