Enable the payment UI

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How do I enable this modul.

I installed the ADD on but it does not change from the pull down to this new UI?
Where are you seeing it not working? Bear in mind that it does not work with all 3rd party implementations of the payment UI, currently it only officially works with DB eCommerce and XF User Upgrades.
I see it in the Profile for payment, we only use XF User with PayPal and Cryptocurrency gateway (extra plugin) so we use it with Siropus ADManager 2.2.

but it does not show up at all.. anyway, we will try to get a customized fix for this. The ADD idea is great.
If you're trying to get it working with Siropu's add-on, it won't, since that add-on loads its own implementation of the payment profile system. If you can send the add-on via PM, I can add support for it :)
Thank you for suggesting this feature, it has now been implemented. We are aiming to include any changes that have been made in a future release (1.2.0).

Change log:
Implemented support for Siropu Ads Manager and [AddonFlare] Paid Registrations
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DragonByte Payment UI

XenForo 2.1.x XenForo 2.2.x
DragonByte Technologies
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