Legacy Easy or Fast Registration

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Please can you add option for The purpose of this is to get users registered as quickly as possible. Users just enter a username, a valid email address, check a box agreeing to the rules (optional), and hit register, and they are sent an email with a randomly generated password.
The fact they get the password by email confirms they entered a valid email address (if they ever log in, you know it is legit.)

EX: Really Fast Registration by BOP5 - vBulletin.org Forum | Awesome Screenshot

Displays on top of Forum Home (forum.php)
Detect user's timezone and set it during registration
Agree to Forum Rules checked by default option
Show randomly generated password after registration option (this could lead to users with invalid emails however, not recommended)
Random passwords generated vary in length
Choose default usergroup for new registrations
Register button not active until valid looking username/email entered into form
Apply specific referrer to all users who register via this mod (good for tracking purposes)
Option to show JavaScript confirmation that explains why a valid email is needed and gives user option to update their email address.
Support for Human Verification
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I like this idea but I am unsure if vBulletin will allow a passwordless account creation. I will look into this and get back to you.
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