DragonByte Donate v2.0.0 Beta 3 Released [XenForo]

Fillip H.

Staff member
Hey all,

A new update is available: DragonByte Donate v2.0.0 Beta 3 for XenForo.

Update Highlights

This release adds multiple new features based on customer feedback, as well as addresses issues with the Donate DataManager that prevented donations from going through if the site did not have DragonByte Credits installed.

There's now a navbar tab with a main page that displays a list of all donation drives.

Additionally, you now have more advanced control over currency denominations and decimal displays.

Lastly, usergroup changes made by donations can now be set to expire after a certain period of time.

Complete Change Log

Feature: A main page that lists all currently running donation drives using the same style as
Feature: Usergroup Changes can now be set to expire (configurable per donation drive)
Feature: Per-Currency Denomination Suffix (symbol/text added after the amount)
Feature: Per-Currency decimal rounding
Feature: User Criteria for Total, Public and Anonymous donations
Fix: Fixed a few issues with the Donate DataManager

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