Question Digest feature in 4.5.0

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I have updated one of my forums to Mail 4.5.0 and the digest settings have gone?

Digests are also no longer been sent which is the only reason I use Mail.

This feature has been removed from the XenForo 2.2 version as it has largely been superseded by the Activity Summary feature in XenForo.
So to get this correct:

You have removed a feature that sends a weekly digest to all members who choose it, because of a new feature that only sends out a digest (that you cannot add a header too) to inactive users?

We you have just lost me a future customer. Can I also suggest that you now remove this from your feature list it is false advertising.

You have removed a feature that sends a weekly digest to all members who choose it, because of a new feature that only sends out a digest (that you cannot add a header too) to inactive users?
There were multiple reasons for the removal of the Digest feature:
  1. It had massive technical debt.
    Feature design decisions made in the early days of developing this feature has severely hindered the ability for the functionality to expand.

  2. It was never the main goal of this add-on.
    While I can appreciate that some users, like yourself, used it exclusively for that feature (just like I know there are some users who used the vBulletin version for the bounced mail handling), it was never the primary reason for this add-on's existence.

  3. The ability to add custom content types never gained traction.
    I'm not aware of a single 3rd party add-on that added its own content types to DB Mail.
  4. The Activity Summary will grow to be more powerful.
    Leading on from #3, third party developers will be interested in adding their content types to the Activity Summary, as 100% of installations has access to it.
That being said, I do concede that this plan should have been communicated more clearly.

Can I also suggest that you now remove this from your feature list it is false advertising.
I've updated the product listing here as well as @ to indicate that the Digest feature is only available in XF 1.5, 2.0 and 2.1.
Hello @GeekyPhilip,

We hope your ticket regarding DragonByte Mail has been addressed to your satisfaction. This ticket has now been scheduled to be closed.

If your ticket has not been resolved, you can reply to this thread at any point in the next 7 days in order to reopen the ticket, afterwards this thread will be closed.

Please do not reply to this thread if your ticket has been resolved.

Thank you.

- DragonByte Technologies, Ltd.
Hello @GeekyPhilip,

As we have not heard back from you, your ticket regarding DragonByte Mail has now been closed.

If your ticket has not been resolved, please feel free to start a new support ticket and link back to this ticket.

If you have time, please leave a review on's Resource Manager.

Thank you.

- DragonByte Technologies, Ltd.
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DragonByte Mail

XenForo 1.5.3+ XenForo 2.0.x XenForo 2.1.x XenForo 2.2.x
DragonByte Technologies
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