Bug DB Error

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This looks to be a bug with not using a member profile URL format that uses ids in the URLs. Without the ID it uses a regular expression to try to scan the database for the closest match --- and they aren't being properly filtered.

Maybe, a setting/configuration within VB that was missed that should be set differently? You did the install/migration from VBSEO...

Database error in vBulletin 2.0.43:

Invalid SQL:

SELECT userid
FROM user
WHERE username REGEXP '^(&[\#\da-z];|[^a-z\d])(&[\#\da-z];|[^a-z\d])*l%C3%83(&[\#\da-z];|[^a-z\d])v%C3%83(&[\#\da-z];|[^a-z\d])%C3%83%C2%A5%C3%83(&[\#\da-z];|[^a-z\d])%C3%83%C2%B8t%C3%A2(&[\#\da-z];|[^a-z\d])%C2%A2(&[\#\da-z];|[^a-z\d])(&[\#\da-z];|[^a-z\d])*$'

MySQL Error : Got error 'nothing to repeat at offset 22' from regexp
Error Number : 1139
Request Date : Monday, September 14th 2020 @ 03:19:50 PM
Error Date : Monday, September 14th 2020 @ 03:19:50 PM
Script : http://www.MyDomain.com/forums/members/*-l%C3%83-v%C3%83-%C3%83%C2%A5%C3%83-%C3%83%C2%B8t%C3%A2-%C2%A2-*.html
Referrer :
IP Address : 2a01:4f8:191:2094::2
Username : N/A
Classname : vBulletinDatabase_MySQLi
MySQL Version :
Server : 131.xxx.x.194
User Agent :
This could be a combination of the UTF-8 settings and the fact that the profiles don't use URLs. At this time, the fix would be to either turn UTF-8 URLs off, or switch back to using member IDs and forum IDs.

If you do not turn IDs on, you will lose search rank when you eventually switch to a more modern and supported forum platform like XenForo.
The migration of my site to Xenforo would be cost prohibited (well into the 5 digit realm).

While I have not shopped a replacement because of the above I feel that Xenforo was all the hype when it first came out, and now it's overall development has slowed and really is starting to fall short. Invision seems to be the better of the bunch.
Invision is like vB5; only better if you can get by using only the built-in features (or the first party add-ons). Their 3rd party dev scene is pretty dead, I've personally not heard of a single developer that has released any add-on for IPS.

I have also only ever used 1 IPS forum (NeoWin), its lack of popularity is probably part of the reason why its 3rd party dev scene is so lacklustre.
Well, I have not "shopped" it out as the porting of my site would be insanely expensive. Seeing as my site does what no other vBulletin site in the world does, the changing of any URL structure and how it is accessed is not possible.
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