Question Click tracking - by link?

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Is there a way to see the clicks by link in a newsletter?

For example: If we link to a few featured threads or an off-site link, is there a way to see if it was clicked? Based on what I'm seeing, I'd imagine so (in that clicks are tracked) but I don't see a way necessarily to see how many times a link to "" was clicked in a given newsletter.

Thank you in advance.

I work with @joec and while I was searching through the code to find the spot where MailLinkLog data was exposed to admins, I discovered a potential bug in Entity/MailLinkLog.php:

            'Link' => [
                'entity' => 'DBTech\Mail:Mail',
                'type' => self::TO_ONE,
                'conditions' => [
                    ['link_hash', '=', '$link_hash'],
                    ['mail_id', '=', '$mail_id']
                'primary' => true

Unless I'm mistaken, and I very well could be, the entity should be MailLink rather than Mail since the latter doesn't have a link_hash column.

Thanks for your help with our issue!

Is there a way to see the clicks by link in a newsletter?

For example: If we link to a few featured threads or an off-site link, is there a way to see if it was clicked? Based on what I'm seeing, I'd imagine so (in that clicks are tracked) but I don't see a way necessarily to see how many times a link to "" was clicked in a given newsletter.

Thank you in advance.
At the moment, the data tracked by the link log isn't exposed anywhere as the feature was never fully finished.


I work with @joec and while I was searching through the code to find the spot where MailLinkLog data was exposed to admins, I discovered a potential bug in Entity/MailLinkLog.php:

            'Link' => [
                'entity' => 'DBTech\Mail:Mail',
                'type' => self::TO_ONE,
                'conditions' => [
                    ['link_hash', '=', '$link_hash'],
                    ['mail_id', '=', '$mail_id']
                'primary' => true

Unless I'm mistaken, and I very well could be, the entity should be MailLink rather than Mail since the latter doesn't have a link_hash column.

Thanks for your help with our issue!
Thanks, I'll update that in the next version :)
I'm currently working on a major update for eCommerce as well as custom work projects, so unfortunately I don't believe it's something I can add in the short term.

I would recommend building a custom page that interfaces with the data, either via XenForo itself or directly via the database.
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DragonByte Mail

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